Course Description
The word ‘Rasa' denotes life and Shastra denotes rules or guidelines in a general sense. Rasa Shastra is Ayurveda's Alchemy and teaches us how to promote, heal and uplift our life by using the natural resources given to us by mother earth. This class offers an understanding of Metallic substances, Compound minerals, and Mother Natures' properties that support Rasa Shastra. This class promotes and is presented in a Historical and Philosophical nature and is for enhancing the students' Ayurvedic Education.
Provider Bio Advanced Ayurvedic Physician • Founder of Ayurved Sadhana Vidyalaya • Wellness and Health Coach • Mentor • Senior Faculty Bharat Vaidya, BAMS, MD (E.U.) is a skilled Advanced Ayurvedic Physician who received his Ayurvedic degree (B.A.M.S.) and advanced medical training in Mumbai. He obtained a medical degree (M.D.) from the prestigious Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, Europe. He has practiced medicine in India, Europe, and in the U.S.
Course Name Ayurvedic Alchemy – Rasa Shastra
URL Click Here
Course Delivery Method Live (On-Line)
Certification Credit Type Topics in Ayurveda = 28
Time 2022-06-22 15:00:00 to 2022-09-16 19:00:00
Faculty Bharat Vaidya BAMS, MD(E.U.)
The word ‘Rasa' denotes life and Shastra denotes rules or guidelines in a general sense. Rasa Shastra is Ayurveda's Alchemy and teaches us how to promote, heal and uplift our life by using the natural resources given to us by mother earth. This class offers an understanding of Metallic substances, Compound minerals, and Mother Natures' properties that support Rasa Shastra. This class promotes and is presented in a Historical and Philosophical nature and is for enhancing the students' Ayurvedic Education.
Course Objective
The universal chemistry, by which the science of alchemy opens the knowledge of all nature, being founded on the first principles of prime atom forms an analogy with whatever knowledge is founded on the same first principles as per our Vedic sages. Students will study Metallic Substances from gold to tin, Compound Minerals such as alum, mica, and mercury, Saline Substances, Natural Stones, Natural Clays, Animal Products, and Sea Products.
Provider Name Ayurved Sadhana VaidyalayaProvider Bio Advanced Ayurvedic Physician • Founder of Ayurved Sadhana Vidyalaya • Wellness and Health Coach • Mentor • Senior Faculty Bharat Vaidya, BAMS, MD (E.U.) is a skilled Advanced Ayurvedic Physician who received his Ayurvedic degree (B.A.M.S.) and advanced medical training in Mumbai. He obtained a medical degree (M.D.) from the prestigious Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, Europe. He has practiced medicine in India, Europe, and in the U.S.
Course Name Ayurvedic Alchemy – Rasa Shastra
URL Click Here
Course Delivery Method Live (On-Line)
Certification Credit Type Topics in Ayurveda = 28
Time 2022-06-22 15:00:00 to 2022-09-16 19:00:00
Faculty Bharat Vaidya BAMS, MD(E.U.)