Submit PACE Credits

NAMA Ethics Quiz

NAMA requires each Professional Member to take the current NAMA ethics quiz every 2-year PACE cycle. An ethics quiz counts for 2 PACE credits. A passing score of 80% is required. Please click the Take Quiz button below where you will be redirected to the LMS. You will first need to LOGIN at the LMS homepage to access the quiz.



In order for your credits to qualify, you must submit a letter or certificate from the provider with: Your Name, Course Name, Course completion date, Number of hours awarded.

  • Topics in Ayurveda (TIA) - Earn up to 28 credits for completing any PACE course in Ayurveda, therapies, cooking, research, Ashtanga Hirdayam studies, Charaka Samhita studies, Ayurvedic herbology, etc.

  • Topics in Wellness (TIW) - A maximum of 10 credits can be earned for completing a course outside of Ayurveda, such as a course in other healthcare disciplines (i.e., Western medicine & herbology, Chinese medicine & herbology) or for a course that supports an Ayurvedic practice (i.e., business strategies, insurance, web development).

  • Topics in Sister-Sciences (TIS) - A maximum of 15 PACE credits can be earned for completing coursework on in Sister Sciences such as jyotish, vastu, and/or yoga, courses in mantra & chanting, qi gong/tai chi.

Ayurvedic Teacher (includes seminar in ayurveda presentation)

Ayurvedic Teacher: Earn up to 20 credits total for Teaching. You can combine categories between Topics in Ayurveda, Wellness, and/or Sister Sciences.1 credit hour equals a minimum of 50 minutes class time. Basic "Introduction to Ayurveda" type of courses for the general public do not count for teaching credit, it must be an audience of:

Ayurvedic Professionals
Medical Professionals
Multiple Students in Academic Programs (Tutoring or one on one trainings do not qualify)

OR, Must be a specialized form of Ayurveda (e.g., addiction, depression).

To qualify your teaching credits, The number of hours you are claiming needs to be verified in your documentation. Please upload one of the following:

School or course teacher contract
Letter from the course Director/Administrator/Manager

If you present at a conference then submit a letter/contract/certificate from the conference manager

For a Retreat/Workshop please submit:
1. A contract or student roster with the course name and dates
2. Course syllabus, and/or program manual with your name listed as the teacher.

  • You may earn up to 15 PACE credits for teaching courses in Topics in Sister Sciences.

  • You may earn up to 10 credits teaching courses in Topics in Wellness.

  • You may earn up to 20 PACE credits for teaching courses in Ayurveda for students enrolled in an academic program. Introductory workshops do not qualify.

    You can also earn 2 PACE credits for a Seminar in Ayurveda presentation. (Apply Here)

Peer-Reviewed Ayurvedic Article

You may earn 15 credits for an article on Ayurveda that has been published in a peer-reviewed journal. You must provide us with a digital copy of the article (PDF) and reference/citation of the publication.

Ayurvedic Article (General Public)

You may earn 1 credits per 500 words, up to 2500 words (5 credits) per article. A max of 3 article submissions will be accepted. You must provide a digital copy of the article (PDF or DOC) and reference/citation of the publication.

Textbook Publication

You may earn a total of 28 credits for a scholastic book used as a standard work for the in-depth study of Ayurveda. You must provide us with an ISBN # (republication is allowed e.g., new editions), and a list of course(s) that use the textbook (provide links to course’s required reading list).

Chapter (Non-Textbook)

A maximum of 5 credits can be earned for publishing a chapter (or significant appendix) of a non-scholastic book focused on a topic in Ayurveda (e.g., cookbooks, introductory).You must provide an ISBN #, list of the chapter(s) authored and a copy of first page of each chapter authored.

Book Publication

You may earn up to 15 credits for a one time submission (i.e. only one submission during your professional membership) of a non-scholastic book focused on a topic in Ayurveda or Sister Sciences (e.g., cookbooks, introductory). You must provide us and with ISBN # (republication is allowed e.g., new editions).

Chapter (or Significant Appendix) of Textbook

You may earn up to 10 credits for a chapter on Ayurveda in a scholastic book used as a standard work for the study of a subject. You must provide an ISBN #, list of the chapter(s) authored, copy of first page of each chapter authored, and a list of schools/courses that use the textbook (provide links to school required reading list).

Professional Service - nama committee volunteer

You may earn up to 28 credits for at least 6 months of volunteer service (i.e., serving on boards of directors, committees, editorial boards, review boards, task forces, and medical missions. If you served on a NAMA committee, please Download Verification Letter Here. Upload the Verification letter into your PACE submission.

Professional Service - outside NAMA

You may earn up to:
- 28 credits for volunteer work in the realm of Ayurveda
- 10 credits with any international, national, state, and/or local healthcare-related organization.
1 credit is equal to 1 hour of volunteer work.

You must provide us with a letter from the chair/president of your volunteer organization including the following:
your name, date range of volunteer service, total number of hours volunteered during the date range and type of volunteer service performed.