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Manovaha Srotas - Ayurvedic Psychology

  • National Ayurvedic Medical Association (map)
Course Description
This course investigates the knowledge of the Mind, its functions, causative factors for pathological change, stages of pathology and various diseases presenting with psychological and physical symptoms. It assesses various psychological disorders from an Ayurvedic perspective. Students explore the predominance of the three gunas (Sattwa, Rajas, Tamas) in specific conditions and learn which Ayurvedic therapies (diet, lifestyle and herbal) can be recommended. Spiritual and subtle therapies of the sister sciences are considered as well.

Course Objective
1. Describe the general samprapti of manasroga in manovaha srotas. 2. Differentiate among the three principle methods of manasroga chikitsa 3 Categorize the most common manasroga (anxiety & depression) by dosha and design a simple management protocol for each with ahara, vihara, aushadhi and karma. 4. Correlate manasroga, vata vyadhi and the Western approach to mental illness. 5. List which classical texts offer more guidance on differing degrees of manasroga and their appropriate chikitsa. 6. Name the subdoshas of pitta & kapha that are involved in mental disorders and describe their functions. 7. Relate the triguna to manavahasrota.


Provider Name Mount Madonna Institute

Provider Bio Since its launching in 2006, the Mount Madonna Institute of Ayurveda has offered three levels of training: Health Counselor, Practitioner and a Master of Arts in Ayurveda. Rooted in authentic Vedic knowledge we teach the ethical and professional standards necessary for developing meaningful careers. The mission of Mount Madonna College of Ayurveda is to educate and train future health professionals and empower them to use Ayurveda to transform individual health and community well-being.

Course Name Manovaha Srotas - Ayurvedic Psychology

URL Click Here

Course Email Click Here

Course Delivery Method Live (On-Line)

Time 2022-10-15 00:00:00 to 2022-10-16 00:00:00 (America/Denver)

Faculty Suhas Kshirsagar B.A.M.S.

Earlier Event: October 8
Colorado Ayurveda Conference