Course Description
This course more deeply examines the basic principles of Ayurvedic medicine, the eight branches, medical ethics and aims through the classical texts. Students investigate the historical and philosophical foundations of Ayurvedic medicine and the history of scientific studies in Ayurveda. Students will explore and expand their knowledge and use of these ancient texts in a modern clinical practice. Both the major and minor texts will be included.
Provider Bio Since its launching in 2006, the Mount Madonna Institute of Ayurveda has offered three levels of training: Health Counselor, Practitioner and a Master of Arts in Ayurveda. Rooted in authentic Vedic knowledge we teach the ethical and professional standards necessary for developing meaningful careers. The mission of Mount Madonna College of Ayurveda is to educate and train future health professionals and empower them to use Ayurveda to transform individual health and community well-being.
Course Name Brhattrayi & Laghutrayi - Classical Texts, History & Philosophy
URL Click Here
Course Email Click Here
Course Delivery Method Live (On-Line)
Time 2022-11-10 00:00:00 to 2022-11-13 00:00:00 (America/Denver)
Faculty Yashashree Mannur B.A.M.S. Vaidya Jayagopol B.A.M.S.
This course more deeply examines the basic principles of Ayurvedic medicine, the eight branches, medical ethics and aims through the classical texts. Students investigate the historical and philosophical foundations of Ayurvedic medicine and the history of scientific studies in Ayurveda. Students will explore and expand their knowledge and use of these ancient texts in a modern clinical practice. Both the major and minor texts will be included.
Course Objective
1. Explain the mythical creation of Ayurveda, naming the first 4 gods and how Ayurveda has been passed down through the millennium. 2. Name the brhathrayi and laguhuttrayi and describe what they cover, who wrote them, when they were written. 3. Explain generally how the classical texts are written, the structure of a samhita. 4. Match the shad darshana to their definition. 5. Name six basic principles underlying Ayurveda in Sanskrit and define them in English. 6. Find common diseases and follow them through a classical text for nidana, purvaroopa, roopa and chikitsa.
Provider Name Mount Madonna InstituteProvider Bio Since its launching in 2006, the Mount Madonna Institute of Ayurveda has offered three levels of training: Health Counselor, Practitioner and a Master of Arts in Ayurveda. Rooted in authentic Vedic knowledge we teach the ethical and professional standards necessary for developing meaningful careers. The mission of Mount Madonna College of Ayurveda is to educate and train future health professionals and empower them to use Ayurveda to transform individual health and community well-being.
Course Name Brhattrayi & Laghutrayi - Classical Texts, History & Philosophy
URL Click Here
Course Email Click Here
Course Delivery Method Live (On-Line)
Time 2022-11-10 00:00:00 to 2022-11-13 00:00:00 (America/Denver)
Faculty Yashashree Mannur B.A.M.S. Vaidya Jayagopol B.A.M.S.