Business of Ayurveda Package

business of ayurveda
business of ayurveda

Business of Ayurveda Package

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Purchase all four sessions of the Business of Ayurveda Conference. NAMA Professional Members may earn up to 8 PACE credits (Topics in Wellness) by passing the corresponding credit quizzes.


The public’s growing interest in holistic wellness is opening up unprecedented opportunities for devotees of Ayurveda to turn their passion into a financially and spiritually rewarding career. In these 25-minute talks, veteran Ayurvedic professionals will share the wisdom they’ve gained over the course of their journey to the successful practice of this sacred healing art. The lessons learned by these practitioners and their insights into the potentially transformative impact of Ayurveda on their clients and the world will inspire you with fresh enthusiasm for building a business that responds to the current demand for personalized wellness solutions that address the needs of each individual as a whole.

Duration: 1:53:40
Continuing Education Credit: 2 (Topics in Wellness)

Session 2: WORKSHOP

Starting a Practice from A-Z with Tesia Love, CAP

Learn insights, tips and key strategies for starting your clinical Ayurvedic practice on a tight budget. Explore all the basics to consider, including business formation, professional liability, identifying your ideal client, location, booking systems, records management, web presence, and more.

Duration: 2:01:44
Continuing Education Credit: 2 (Topics in Wellness)

Session 3: WORKSHOP

Bring Your Brand To Life Through The 5 Senses with Amish Shah

The art of marketing involves product strategy, branding, strategic planning, implementing programs to attain and retain customers, and seeing what actually works along with industry leadership. Join us in this workshop and learn how to bring your brand to life.

Duration: 1:52:41
Continuing Education Credit: 2 (Topics in Wellness)

Session 4: PANEL

This panel discussion will comprise four 25-minute presentations and a 20-minute Q & A on topics of concern for Ayurvedic professionals, including the value of board certification, your liabilities and insurance options, and the NAMA-defined code of ethics and scopes of practice for Ayurvedic health counselors, Ayurvedic practitioners, and Ayurvedic doctors. You’ll also learn how you can help advance the goals of the profession as a whole by garnering support for licensure of Ayurvedic professionals in your state.

Duration: 2:03:18
Continuing Education Credit: 2 (Topics in Wellness)