Ayurveda Yoga Therapy for Stilling the Mind
Ayurveda Yoga Therapy for Stilling the Mind
with, Ginger Hooven, C-AP, C-IAYT, AYT-NAMA, E-RYT-500, Arun Deva, C-AP, C-IAYT, AYT-NAMA, Amy Wheeler, PhD, C-IAYT
For many of us the mind is anything but still. We constantly experience thoughts, feelings, and sensations that can disrupt our concentration and disturb our peace of mind. Both yoga and Ayurveda give us tools that turn our minds away from chaos and rigidity and toward one-pointed attention, the hallmark of an undisturbed mind. Ayurvedic concepts of dinacharya, ahāra-vihāra, swasthavritta, and ritucharya serve as the broad canvas upon which the eight limbs (aśtānga) of yogic practice move us toward positive mental states. Achieving positive states of mind reduces the turmoil of our lives and helps us realize the full potential of our dharma. In essence, Ayurvedic yoga therapy helps us live quieter, more focused lives.
Duration: 2:54:14
Continuing Education Credit: 3