Vedic Counseling
Vedic Counseling
with Vamadeva Frawley and Suhas Ksirsagar
Vedic counseling is a comprehensive life guidance based upon the Vedic tradition of Self-knowledge and Cosmic knowledge. Ayurveda, Yoga, Vedic astrology and other branches of Vedic knowledge are based upon an understanding of Consciousness. They reflect the essence and practical wisdom of Vedanta, the unity of all in the Self. Vedic counseling provides an integrative counseling model with special approaches for every type of person, group and circumstance. It guides us towards optimal physical, psychological and spiritual wellbeing, addressing all the main goals of life including health, vocation, education, prosperity, relationship, happiness, and Self-realization. The journey always starts with ourselves and our own minds before we can be properly prepared guide others.
Duration: 2:48:00
Continuing Education Credit: 3