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Student Members Mingle: Ayurveda with Other Vedic Practices

There are great benefits to be gained from combining Ayurveda with other Vedic sciences. Discover how weaving yoga, jyotish, or vastu shastra into your healing practice can strengthen your Ayurvedic tools and healing protocols.


Cory Tixier, BS, CAP, E-RYT 500 | Yoga/Ayurveda

Cory is a CAP, AYT, ERYT-500, based in Honolulu. Cory served as faculty at The Ayurvedic Institute for seven years; as well as Lead Clinical Supervisor at VIOA in India, where she assisted Vasant Lad. She serves on NAMA’s AYT subcommittee.


Ki Florence-David, AD | Jyotisha/Ayurveda

Ki Florence-David, is a Jyotisha Ratna, Prabhakara, and Kovid, as well as a Jyotish tutor through ACVA & CVA. She studied the Jaimini Sutras, and her work focuses on shedding light on one’s life path and illuminating anyplace where there is darkness as one travels through time in this incarnation.


Dhanada Kulkarni, BAMS, AD, LMT | Vastu Shastra/Ayurveda

VedAcharya Dhanada Kulkarni, BAMS, AD, serves as an Ayurvedic Doctor, LMT, Yoga Specialist, Jyotish, and Vastushasatra consultant. She has promoted Ayurveda and other ancient Indian sciences in the U.S. for 20+ years. She serves on NAMA’s Board of Directors and chairs NAMA’s BAMS Task Force.


  • 5:00 P.M. PACIFIC | 6:00 P.M. MOUNTAIN | 7:00 P.M. CENTRAL | 8:00 P.M. EASTERN

  • This is a members only event. Please register here →