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Ayurvedic Self-Care with Marma Therapy

February 22, 2021 with Anisha Durve

Marma therapy, or Ayurvedic acupressure, is a powerful method of balancing the nervous system, relieving pain, regulating the breath, calming the mind, and harmonizing emotions. Learn simple self-care protocols that can be used for daily rejuvenation and relaxation to de-stress, reduce anxiety, improve energy, enhance sleep, and more. This self-care routine will feature marma points on the face, head, and neck. Learn the most important points and most effective stimulation techniques. Ayurvedic self-care is a necessity in our busy lives! 


Anisha studied with Dr. Vasant Lad for 4 years and co-wrote Marma Points of Ayurveda (2018) with him. Her unique teaching style blends the best of both Ayurveda and TCM. Her passion for marma therapy inspired her to found the Marma Institute of Ayurvedic Acupressure (MIAA) in 2018. She offers 7-day trainings around the country that teach simple acupressure protocols for each body area developed from her 20 years of clinical experience treating thousands of clients. 


  • 5:00 P.M. PACIFIC | 6:00 P.M. MOUNTAIN | 7:00 P.M. CENTRAL | 8:00 P.M. EASTERN

  • ID: 872 5529 4873

  • Password: 216863

  • Link: Click Here

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