National Ayurvedic Medical Association 2021 Annual Conference Report

NAMA conference

by Baba Lou Haber

The 17th Annual Conference of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA) brought together online 45 experts whose presentations centered on Ayurveda as evidenced-based and integrative medicine. The conference demonstrated how practitioners are harnessing scientific research to validate classical Ayurvedic approaches, growing expertise in disciplines of emerging importance such as microbiome research and genomics, and building bridges with Western medicine.

Integrative Medicine Defined

Among the first presenters was Victoria Maizes, MD, executive director and professor of medicine at the University of Arizona Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine. Maizes offered a definition of integrative medicine as “healing-oriented medicine that takes account of the whole person, including all aspects of lifestyle” and “emphasizes the therapeutic relationship between practitioner and patient, is informed by evidence, and makes use of all appropriate therapies.”

An internationally recognized leader in integrative medicine, Maizes began with an alarming statistic from JAMA: Even though 70% of deaths in the United States are due to behavioral and environmental factors, only 1%–3% of healthcare dollars are spent on disease prevention, compared to 97%–99% spent on medical care and biomedical research. She emphasized how “something is missing from our healthcare systems, and we believe that we can do a better job taking care of our patients through integrative medicine.”

Innovative Integrative Approaches

That spirit of advancing a better way to improve healthcare and foster wellness was abundantly evident throughout the NAMA conference. Presentation topics included evidenced-based approaches to healing leaky-gut syndrome (in which an unhealthy gut lining allows undigested food and toxins to leak into the bloodstream); innovative therapies to address gastrointestinal tumors; Ayurvedic approaches to mitochondrial diseases and disorders (which occur when mitochondria fail to produce sufficient energy for the body to properly function); and Ayurvedic prevention and treatment of gynecological disorders.

Among the presenters on yoga were Susan Bass, AP- and AYT-NAMA, E-RYT 500, C-IAYT, a certified Ayurvedic practitioner and Ayurvedic yoga therapist who founded the Sarasvati Institute of Ayurveda & Yoga Therapy and the Sarasvati Mission. “Ayurveda excels at digestion and detoxification, so it is about improving the quality of blood,” noted Bass. “That’s why Ayurveda and yoga are exponentially more effective when practiced together, because who cares if you have the blood moving around the body when it is of poor quality and does not nourish the cells and the organs?”

Bass led two sessions. The first examined the beneficial role of yoga in reducing stress and improving mental health. In her second presentation, Bass brought together asana, pranayama, mudra (gestures), and marma (vital body junction points) therapy to address vishama agni (irregular/weak metabolism), the type of digestive imbalance caused by excess vata (air/wind).

A Deeper Understanding of “Evidence”

Bhushan Patwardhan, PhD, national research professor at the Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences, Savitribai Phule Pune University, provided an overview of Ayurveda as an evidenced-based science. He emphasized that Ayurveda and yoga require a different approach to research and a fresh look at what constitutes evidence, given that they have an entirely different framework than Western medicine.

According to Patwardhan, the integration of Ayurveda and modern medicine will entail an “epistemological transformation process” in which Ayurveda as a holistic, experiential, and natural approach will need to be more fully appreciated and understood by medical practitioners and the medical research community.

A New Paradigm to Foster and Sustain Health and Wellness

In her presentation “Biodiversity Is Health; Biodiversity Is Sustainability,” Vandana Shiva, PhD, likewise emphasized the critical importance of a paradigm shift—one to a more holistic understanding of health that includes our interconnectedness with all species and the entire planet.

“The paradigm we have today is one that doesn’t work with whole systems,” said Shiva, a researcher and eco-feminist food-sovereignty activist who founded the Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Ecology in Dehradun, India. In contrast, Shiva noted, Ayurveda teaches us that health is about balance. “The body is not little fragments and parts; the body is a non-separable whole interacting non-separably with the world and the biodiversity around us,” she said.

Shiva ended her talk with a call to action. “If there is one thing we can take forward from ecology, from biodiversity, from Ayurveda, it is our interconnectedness,” she said. “We are one, and we can be interconnected through health and regeneration, or through disease and degeneration. [E]ach of us should cultivate the will and determination and the hope that the regeneration part is what we will evolve.”

A Look at COVID-19

NAMA additionally offered a post conference event providing perspectives from conventional medicine and Ayurveda on COVID-19. The presentation, by Dhaval Dhru, MD, and Mimi Guarneri, MD, included a survey of preliminary research looking at promising results of both integrative and Ayurvedic treatments of the virus.

Throughout the conference, NAMA encouraged attendee donations to help the people of India during the country’s COVID-19 crisis through such organizations as Sewa International USA (

Mark Your Calendars

Planning is already underway for NAMA’s next annual conference. The 2022 gathering will be a special event where participants will hopefully again meet in person. The theme of the conference, to be held in Tucson, Arizona, April 22–24, is “Ayurveda for Family Health.”


Originally published in Yoga Therapy Today, a publication of the International Association of Yoga Therapists ( Shared with permission.

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About the Author

Baba Lou Haber has written for CBS News, served as a communications executive for several companies and public agencies, and is a Cicero Award–winning speechwriter. He is currently studying to be an Ayurvedic Health Counselor. Baba Lou also serves as a member of NAMA’s Communications Committee.

Helping Your Client Have a Healthy and Enjoyable Summer


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By Ana Chassot-Petersen, AHP, C-IAYT

Like George Harrison’s song says, Here comes the sun. It is a classic lyric associated with the season full of light, energy, and warmth.

As Ayurvedic practitioners who understand the significance of the change in seasons and its potential impact on health and wellness, we can offer our clients advice that goes beyond taking precautions to prevent sunburn. We understand that with its abundance of sun and heat, summer is the season that can most aggravate the pitta dosha.

When pitta accumulates and is aggravated, it can cause harmful inflammation – a hot topic these days. Studies have shown that inflammation can be a catalyst for negative cell transformation and become a pathway, or samprapti, for chronic diseases and some types of cancers. It can also accelerate the aging process. As we also know, more broadly, pitta regulates digestion, body temperature, and hormone levels, among other vital processes. It is responsible for metabolic transformations beginning at the cellular level. 

Making the change in seasons a teachable moment

A change in seasons is an opportune time to educate clients about health basics. Conversations can cover important topics such as adjustments to daily routine, diet, exercise, pranayama, and more. Of course, recommendations need to be client-specific, recognizing each individual’s prakruti (physical constitution) and potential for pitta accumulation and aggravation.

Below are some practices I have found personally helpful during summer. I offer them not as general advice, but to illustrate the breadth and depth of how we can engage our clients and help them to have a safe and enjoyable summer.


Starting the day well

  • Lemon water in the morning has a sweet post-digestive effect (vipaka) and helps to alkalize the body, which can be helpful in circumventing harmful inflammatory processes.

  • Because pitta can accumulate faster during late morning hours, eating a small and cooling breakfast can be a good way to begin the day. Include fruits such as cantaloupe, pears, and apples.

  • For a more substantial breakfast, I like porridge with a little ghee, cardamom, some coconut milk, and turmeric.


Keeping to a consistent meal schedule

  • Sticking to the classic Ayurvedic schedule of eating three times a day, with no snacking in between, can help keep pitta in balance. If we snack, we can create an overactive digestive fire and fuel harmful fermentation in the digestive tract. 

  • Eat fewer calories. Controlling calories will help maintain a balanced metabolism and avoid pittagenic ama accumulation. Additionally, research indicates that a calorie-restricted diet can enhance mitochondria performance, which is related to the pitta dosha. (Of course, this suggestion is not appropriate for those who need heavier foods – for example, clients who are underweight or in a vata-aggravated state.)

Making good food choices

  • Naturally sweet, astringent, and bitter foods are the basis of a pita-pacifying diet. Good options for summer include soaked almonds, avocados, bananas, and spinach.

  • Feed the mitochondria, giving cells the fuel they need. Spinach and kale can boost the energetic metabolism that converts fats and sugars into adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, an organic compound that provides energy needed during the summer months.

  • Prevent inflammation by including sources of omega-3s and alpha-lipoic acid, such as chia seeds, avocados, Brussels sprouts, chicken soup, and bone broths.

  • For me, as the warmer months approach, blueberries always come to mind. The beautiful shape and cooling color of this antioxidant fruit always remind me of cute candies and take me back to happy and playful summers. Blueberries and other berries, such as blackberries and raspberries, and sweet fruits, such as strawberries, can protect the liver (a pitta organ), pacify pitta, and help to reduce the accumulation of heat.

  • While they are tempting poolside treats and staples at summer barbeques, salty snacks and spicy foods can aggravate the pitta dosha.


Including helpful spices and herbs

  • Cooling spices can pacify pitta. I like dry ginger, coriander, fennel, cumin, cardamom, and mint.   

  • One of my favorite summer teas is fresh hibiscus. Hibiscus is packed with antioxidants that can help protect and detoxify the liver. Honey or maple syrup can be added as a natural sweetener.

  • Even though not considered a cooling herb, ashwagandha calms the central nervous system and alleviates stress and irritability that can result from heat aggravation.

  • Brahmi is a cooling herb. It also helps with irritability that can result from too much heat. The combination of ashwagandha and Brahmi can be very balancing.



  • Adequate intake of water and other liquids is essential during summer. Depending on your client and their surroundings, natural coconut water may serve well as a cooling, hydrating, and rejuvenating agent.

  • Aloe vera juice is also a very cooling and anti-inflammatory option.


Exercising when it is cool

  • Summer can be a great time for invigoration. Proper exercise can slow inflammatory processes and helps keep telomeres – the ends of our chromosomes – long and strong as our cells divide. Remember, though, that it is best to work out or do an asana practice in the cooler hours of the day, such as the early morning or evening.

  • Yoga postures such as uttanasana (standing forward fold), bhujangasana (cobra), and makarasana (crocodile) can cool and restore.


Practicing some cooling pranayama

  • Sitali pranayama, a cooling breathing technique, can help to pacify pitta, especially in the summer. In a sitting position, with the spine erect, roll the tongue inward and point it outside the mouth. Inhale through the mouth and exhale through the nose. I have found that a round of six, twice a day can do wonders to cool the body and mind.

Enjoying some aromatherapy

  • Picking a scent that evokes beautiful summer memories can be a cooling and healing experience. The scent of gardenia transports me back to my youth in Brazil, where the gardenia fields in my neighborhood perfumed the air during my early morning summer walks.  

  • Sandalwood, rose, and neroli are great scents to enjoy and promote relaxation in summer.


Using cooling massage oils

  • Good choices for massage before showering are coconut, Brahmi, and sunflower oils.


Getting a good night’s sleep

  • Long, hot days make sleep all the more important in keeping the doshas in balance in summer. Studies have linked a lack of steady sleep to pitta aggravation and physiological inflammatory responses.


Little darling, it’s been a long cold lonely winter. As we emerge to enjoy the good weather, we also can bring the light of Ayurveda to our clients and communities.

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About the Author

Ana Chassot-Petersen is a certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT), an E-500 RYT YACEP (yoga education provider), and a NAMA-certified Ayurveda Health Practitioner. Ana is also a journalist, TV and marketing promotions producer, and digital/TV content creator.

Integrating Ayurveda and Allopathic Medicine: An Interview with Charles Elder, MD, MPH

Internist, researcher, noted author, and NAMA member Dr. Charles Elder has expertise in both conventional and complementary medicine. He recently spoke with Baba Lou Haber, a member of the NAMA Communications Committee, to offer insights on how NAMA members can work collaboratively with allopathic practitioners. Read their conversation below.

Baba Lou Haber: Let’s start with how you became interested in Ayurveda.

Dr. Charles Elder: My journey actually began when I was admitted to medical school right out of high school. I was accepted to Boston University’s combined BA/MD program. I was only 17 and new to Boston, having been raised in northeast Ohio. To relieve the stress of it all I started a meditation practice at the greater Boston Transcendental Meditation Center and began practicing yoga as well. So I went through medical training meditating the whole time, which shaped my thinking. For example, if there was a patient suffering from anxiety for whom we were prescribing Valium, it struck me as bizarre that we were not suggesting meditation to help him.

I did my residency in Internal Medicine at the University of Michigan, where I met my wife, Leslie, who was also a resident. She also had a meditation practice and already had some interest in Ayurveda. Together we went on a weekend meditation retreat where one of the speakers was Dr. Hari Sharma, who is an outstanding scientist. He gave a talk describing the antioxidant and antineoplastic properties of some of the traditional Ayurvedic formulas that he was studying in his lab. I found the whole thing mindboggling.

Baba Lou Haber: What a gift to have discovered Ayurveda at the beginning of your medical career! How were you able to integrate it into your practice?

Dr. Charles Elder: When we finished our residencies 30 years ago, Leslie and I moved to Portland, Oregon. I started working as a primary care doctor at Kaiser Permanente, where I still am. For the first 10 years or so I was just working hard being an internist, and it was a busy time. My wife and I had to balance career and family, as well as pay off student loans. But we also made time to take short courses in Ayurveda for physicians offered by Maharishi University, and we incorporated what we learned into our own lives.

About six or eight years into my job, I started getting frustrated because I had patients coming in with problems such as chronic pain, functional bowel disorder, anxiety, depression – problems where allopathic medicine can be weak. I knew I had all these tools in these areas, but could not use them, which was problematic. Eventually I wrote a proposal and got permission from Kaiser Permanente to do some innovative Ayurvedic consultations with patients who had these conditions. I detailed what I was going to offer and the metrics that would measure outcomes. The reviews after working with about a dozen patients were so positive that the pilot initiative ended up getting expanded to a Kaiser Permanente referral-based clinic, where I have since been doing integrative Ayurvedic consultations.

Baba Lou Haber: How have you continued to spread the word about Ayurveda beyond your clinic in Portland?

Dr. Charles Elder: In 2000 I did a part-time sabbatical at the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research, where there was a group of researchers interested in integrative medicine. That opened the door for me to begin research at the Center focused on how complementary medicine can improve mainstream medical care.

And in 2017 I took a second sabbatical during which Leslie and I wrote a book entitled Picture of Health to help people incorporate Ayurveda into their lifestyles. We use it as a manual for people who come to our clinic, and it also is designed to be a guide that people in conventional medicine can digest and assimilate.

Baba Lou Haber: Your story speaks to the importance of collaboration between Ayurvedic and allopathic practitioners.

Dr. Charles Elder: The potential for collaboration is enormous, and we need to make the most of it through relationship building around areas of mutual interest. There is so much common ground and so many things we can talk about in Ayurveda.

Take, for example, functional bowel disorders. Allopathic doctors in general are not great with what we call irritable bowel syndrome because it is abdominal pain and digestive complaints that we cannot explain. In so many words, that is the description and diagnosis. But the area of digestive disorders is one in which Ayurveda is very rich, and people can make a lot of progress seeing a NAMACB board certified practitioner. There are gastroenterologists out there who would love to have a competent, trustworthy person that could help these patients with diet and lifestyle.

Chronic pain is another example where Ayurveda can help patients make a lot of progress. Many times, not always, but many times, mind-body techniques, diet, daily routine, exercise, and yoga can a make huge difference in alleviating chronic pain.

There are many other areas – for example, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, depression, and menopausal disorders – where allopathic doctors need help and there is space for dialogue. So identifying and building relationships in those areas through dialogue can be extremely powerful.  

Baba Lou Haber: From my personal experience, not every doctor in conventional medicine is open to a conversation about Ayurveda. Are you being overly optimistic?

Dr. Charles Elder: Keep in mind that, in large part, training for allopathic doctors is focused on procedures and drugs, and their knowledge in other areas may be limited. Some doctors are more evolved and open to a conversation than others.

Remember also that different doctors will have sensitivities about different things. So you don’t want to jump right in talking about bastis and vamana, which are for a later discussion. And when you start prescribing herbs, be a little sensitive to where some doctors are coming from, because some have misconceptions. I would not necessarily talk about herbal supplements on a “first date.” As for me, I feel that if someone is getting herbs from a trained and certified practitioner, I don’t worry about it. On the other hand, if a patient just grabbed them off the shelf, I may be more concerned.

Baba Lou Haber: And what would you say to an Ayurvedic practitioner or student who looks with skepticism at for-profit companies within the healthcare industry?

Dr. Charles Elder: Let’s focus on people. I honestly believe that 99.9999 percent of healthcare practitioners want the patient to get better. With the well-being of the patient at the center of the discussion, everyone can get on the same page.

Baba Lou Haber: Tactically speaking, what is the best way for an Ayurvedic doctor to build bridges with allopathic doctors?

Dr. Charles Elder: That is a great question. How do you reach out to people? Get out there and network – that would be my approach. I think giving public talks is a good idea. Also, advertising in medical publications in a very targeted way. And if you can get into integrative medicine circles, good. Find institutions in your area that can serve as meeting grounds for people on both sides. Here in Portland, for example, there is a big integrative medicine community in which people can reach out if they are looking to collaborate. And there are a number of medical schools that have fellowship and research programs that may provide networking opportunities.

Of course, it is important to develop relationships with the right people. A lot of that can be personal chemistry. The good news is that, from what I see, the allopathic community is much more open these days than it used to be. The wisdom and science behind Ayurveda is so powerful – doctors are seeing that and taking notice.


About the Author

Charles R. Elder MD, MPH, FACP, received his MD and MPH degrees from Boston University School of Medicine and completed residency training in internal medicine at the University of Michigan hospitals. He has served as a primary care internist at Kaiser Permanente Northwest (KPNW) for 30 years and has been the physician lead for the complementary and integrative medicine program at KPNW for 20 years. In this capacity, Dr. Elder offers a referral-based integrative Ayurvedic clinic, advising patients in the areas of diet, exercise, herbal medicine, mind-body practices, and other complementary medicine modalities. Dr. Elder holds a Senior Investigator appointment at the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research, where he has served as principal or co-investigator on a range of federally funded studies evaluating mind-body and other complementary medicine interventions in the setting of chronic disease management. Dr. Elder has an adjunct faculty appointment at Maharishi International University, where he serves as a course instructor for the online MS in Ayurveda program.


Baba Lou Haber is the chair of the NAMA Articles and Interviews Subcommittee. He has written for CBS News, served as an executive in the communications functions for several companies and public agencies, and is a Cicero Award-winning speechwriter. A certified yoga instructor (RYT 200), he is currently studying to be an Ayurvedic Health Counselor. Baba Lou is a graduate of Swarthmore College and Brooklyn Law School.

The Dangers of Self-Medicating with Herbs

ayurveda herbs

by Manju Kolli

Before I had the joy of becoming an Ayurvedic Practitioner, I trained and served as a clinical pharmacist. My experience in pharmacy, spanning more than 15 years, has both informed and enriched my perspective on the Ayurvedic practice I have built.   

As a pharmacist, one of the most alarming and challenging trends I have witnessed is the surge in sales of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, particularly those designed to alleviate symptoms of a range of increasingly common chronic illnesses. The growing use of OTC medications has been further fueled by their affordability, as well as by a rise in the number of prescription drugs that are now available over the counter.   

Abuse and overuse of OTC medications can have serious consequences. The dangers from misuse of certain OTC painkillers, cough medicines, antihistamines, antacids, and laxatives, for example, are well documented within the medical community, and there is growing public awareness of the perils as well. 

We are now seeing rising sales of herbal supplements, the market for which is currently valued in the multibillion dollar range and continuing to grow as increasing numbers of consumers seek natural remedies, both to prevent disease and to address chronic conditions. Additionally, the COVID-19 crisis is prompting many wellness consumers to look to supplements, including herbs, to boost their immune system.

Given my overlapping backgrounds in pharmacy and Ayurveda, I am acutely aware of the dangers of potential misuse of herbal supplements by consumers who may be self-medicating. This concern is shared by Ayurvedic and allopathic doctors alike. A friend who is a nephrologist even made a personal appeal to me to help save people’s kidneys by warning them of the dangers that lie in the misuse of herbal supplements.

The Science of Herbs

Although those of Indian origin tend to see Ayurveda as grandma’s wisdom-infused medicine, the reality is that Ayurveda is highly scientific in its approach to health and wellness. The well-developed rationales and principles underlying this approach and the logical treatment protocols it comprises have withstood the test of time. 

Foundational to Ayurveda is the understanding that we all have a distinct blueprint at birth. As we mature, age, and go through life’s varied experiences and challenges, the natural balance of our original constitution (prakruti) changes and can be pushed out of balance. This imbalanced state (vikruti) is heavily influenced by our dietary and lifestyle choices. 

Since a person responds to external triggers according to their particular prakruti, one person’s medicine can be another’s poison. This insight is true for most herbs just as it is true for most drugs.

Also essential to the proper use of herbs is a clear understanding of the Ayurvedic principle Karya Karana Bhava, which holds that no event occurs in creation without a cause. Simply put, there is a cause behind each and every disease. Ayurveda’s wisdom is used to address that cause in order to maintain health, prevent disease, and restore balance. 

Let us look at the common problem of indigestion. One study cited by the National Institute of Health estimates that one in four Americans suffers from it. 

There are many causes of indigestion. I have grouped together some common causes according to the dosha they can aggravate:

  1. Excessive or high-impact physical activity or insufficient food consumption, aggravating vata

  2. Spicy, salty, or sour foods, or excessive anger, aggravating pitta

  3. An extremely sedentary lifestyle or consumption of too many sweet and heavy foods, aggravating kapha 

Trikatu (which comprises dry ginger, black pepper, and pippali) can be very helpful in curing indigestion, as well as the bloating it can cause; however, it is only truly applicable to one of the three scenarios listed above.

In the first scenario, indigestion is likely to have resulted from insufficient digestive fire because of a loss of tissue strength, with the influence of vata’s predominantly dry and light properties. Trikatu will increase these depleting qualities, due to its own inherent dry and light properties, which, in turn, will aggravate the indigestion.

In the second scenario, indigestion results from excessive pitta, and trikatu will likewise aggravate indigestion and pitta due to its hot potency.

In the third scenario, however, trikatu is indicated as an appropriate pacifying remedy. 

Here are some other examples of commonly available herbs that are subject to misuse: 

Tulsi is known for helping with cold and cough symptoms. If, however, a cough is due to depletion, and it is dry, tulsi will increase the dryness and depletion and could aggravate the cough.

Ashwagandha is frequently used to treat depression, help with fertility, and increase muscle mass. If a client’s symptoms are due to excess accumulation of ama (undigested food in the body), however, ashwagandha will only worsen the condition. 

Triphala is definitely an amazingly versatile herbal medicine that can help in many scenarios, but long-term use of it can create a harmful dryness in mucosal linings. 

Neem can help with diabetes by removing excess accumulation of mucus. Yet if neem is overused after it achieves the desired action, vata gets aggravated, creating an imbalance.

Even ghee, one of the most widely advocated superfoods in Ayurveda, can be misused. If a person is suffering from insufficient digestive fire (mandagni) and excessive mucus, ghee can further dampen digestion and exacerbate the problem. 

These are but a few examples of why it is essential to understand the nature of both the prakruti and the vikruti of clients, as well as the pathological road map of their disease manifestation, before prescribing herbal treatments. It is also important to use the optimal delivery method, including the Karya Karana Bhava, that will efficiently and effectively deliver the right herb to the right site and body system. 

As these examples illustrate, well-meaning friends can naively advocate for an herb that has worked very well for them but can be harmful for someone else. In contrast, a knowledgeable Ayurvedic Practitioner can help clients find and correctly use herbal supplements that are right for them.

Our Role in Educating the Public

As Ayurvedic Practitioners, we play a critical role in protecting public health. Here are three suggestions for increasing awareness of the benefits of herbal supplements and the dangers of self-medicating:

  1. Ask your clients to reach out to you with any questions rather than try to self-medicate based on advice from friends or information they find on the internet.

  2. Offer free talks in public venues, such as virtual or live forums hosted by local libraries.

  3. Author articles for local newspapers to educate your community.

The increasing popularity of herbal supplements and remedies represents a potential turning point in public awareness and medical community acceptance of Ayurveda as a credible pathway to health and wellness. It is up to us as practitioners and students of Ayurveda to help people understand that herbs and herbal supplements must be used appropriately.

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About the Author

Manju Kolli is an Ayurvedic Practitioner based in California’s Bay Area, where she is the founding director of Ayurhitam, an Ayurvedic wellness clinic. Manju has more than 15 years of experience serving as an allopathic clinical pharmacist at the long-term care pharmacy PharMerica. A NAMA-recognized Ayurvedic Practitioner, she also teaches Ayurveda and has expertise in women’s and children’s health, gut problems, skin conditions, mental health, and allergies.

Healing from Disasters by Getting to the Root Cause


By Madison Madden, AD

The word Ayurveda translates to the “science of life.” While its chief objective is to preserve health and prevent disease, Ayurveda also offers sophisticated healing and curative practices informed by an understanding of the laws of nature and the symbiotic relationship between human health and our environment. 

This ancient wisdom is waiting for us to seize it at a time when we are wrestling with global health crises, climate-related catastrophes, and many other challenges. Ayurveda understands all of these hardships as symptoms states of dis-ease. The Charaka Samhita,[1] one of Ayurveda’s four main texts, uses the term Jana Pada Udwansa, translated as a “disaster of a community of people,” to characterize four such states of dis-ease:

  1. When a region gets denatured (Desha)

  2. When water becomes toxic (Jala)

  3. When air becomes polluted (Vayu)

  4. When cycles of time become irregular (Kala)

When we look at the realities of our day, we see that we are not just experiencing one or two of these phenomena, but all four at once. 

Animal habitats have been denatured by urban encroachment. Water in parts of both the developing and developed world has become toxic. This past fall, the U.S. West Coast had the worst air quality in the world, and on a typical day in Delhi, the sun is not even visible. Cycles of seasons are changing around the globe due to rising temperatures and extreme weather patterns. These climate changes pose great danger: A landmark 2019 UN Climate Report estimates that about one million animal and plant species are threatened with extinction, more than ever before in human history.

So, what insight does Ayurveda offer regarding these afflictions, our planetary dis-eases? Ayurveda teaches us that a root cause of our societal problems is a disconnection from nature.

To put it simply, human beings on the whole attempt to dominate nature rather than live in harmony with it. Failure to adequately care for and protect our planet, unsustainable practices, and overconsumption are contributing to the breakdown of ecosystems and the extinction of species. 

In our systemic disconnection from nature, we have lost touch with ways of living with and caring for the natural world that were passed down generation after generation in societies and cultures around the globe. This ancient wisdom is invaluable in navigating our way back to a life that dwells within the bounds and bounties of nature. 

Cultivating Sattva

 According to Ayurveda, the remedy to our global crises is sattva, one of the three gunas, the prime qualities of nature. Sattva embodies harmony, wholesomeness, and virtue. 

 The other two gunas, rajas, often translated as action or agitation, and tamas, commonly translated as inertia, are also natural aspects of life. Disease, however, manifests only in rajasic and tamasic states. 

For example, constantly competing with others, which leads to stress, is a form of rajas. Overconsumption of heavily processed foods results in tamas. Both can contribute to chronic disease. 

Healing occurs primarily through sattva, which is why Ayurveda practitioners emphasize sattvic lifestyles. Just as nature expresses itself differently in various parts of the world, each individual must learn to live in harmony with their own nature and local surroundings. Such lifestyles comprise practices and diets that calm the mind, nourish rather than deplete or toxify the body and the environment, and recognize the interdependence between the individual and community. 

Moving Clients toward Sattva 

Here are five examples of how you can help your clients live a more sattvic lifestyle. 

  1. Introduce them to the concept of matching their nature to Nature. Point out the similarities between the cycles of their bodies to the cycles of nature, and help them to live in greater connection. Examples include rising and setting with the sun, eating to the rhythm of agni (digestive fire), adjusting routines in keeping with the change of seasons, and easing into new stages of life. The wheel of the doshas (kapha, pitta, and vata) can be seen in all of nature. This is a wonderful way of teaching clients about the doshas without overwhelming them.  

  2. Encourage them to discover a sense of purpose. Help your clients widen their gaze beyond the stresses of their individual circumstances and look toward how they can find ways to serve others. Help them connect with what brings light to their lives and what gifts they may have silenced. Finding purpose opens a pathway out of rajasticand tamasic dis-ease patterns. 

  3. Teach them how to reduce stress and nourish their minds and bodies through their breath. Guide your clients to experience how the quality of their breath can transform their mindset, improve health, and increase their ability to respond meaningfully to others. 

  4. Help them embrace a sattvic diet. Teach them about the impact of their food choices. Help them transition to more plant-based and seasonal diets, as well as foods and beverages that are suited to their particular constitution. Suggest solutions to their cravings for sugar and simple carbohydrate comfort foods that honor their rituals but replace tamasic choices with sattvic ones.  

  5. Educate them about the benefits of panchakarma. Charaka notes that panchakarma detoxification therapy is an outstanding method for a person afflicted with the four forms of Jana Pada Udwansa. Panchakarma can lead to a true paradigm shift in mind and body. 

Looking Inward at Your Own Practice: Three Questions to Ask Yourself

Teaching and healing by example are fundamental qualities of a revered Ayurvedic practitioner. I urge you to ask yourself three difficult but vital questions: 

  • How can I live a more sattvic lifestyle? 

  • Where do I sacrifice sattva for short-term or material gains? 

  • How can I help create more sustainable, local, and seasonal resources for my practice and community? 

Listen carefully to your answers. Our inward gaze can help us move from blaming others and finger pointing to cultivating the sattva we need to help ourselves and others heal from the Jana Pada Udwansa, the disaster of a community of people. 


About the Author

Madison is a NAMA-recognized Ayurvedic Doctor, Writer, Environmental Educator, and Activist. She is the Co-founder of Pacific Coast Ayurveda and the International Institute of Tantric and Vedic Sciences, as well as a founding member of Mendonoma Climate Action Group, who hosted the largest regional event for Global Climate Strike Day in September 2019. Passionate about the vital intersection of health and environment, she can be found at

[1] See Chapter 3, Vimanastana.

Why I Plan to Take the NAMACB Board Certification Exam

By Laura Klover

You might think that as a near straight-A student in college, I would be okay with the idea of taking a national certification exam. College, however, was many, many moons ago. Given that it has been such a long time since my last big exam, it stands to reason that as my Ayurvedic Health Counselor (AHC) program comes to a close and the prospect of taking the National Ayurvedic Medical Association Certification Board (NAMACB) exam looms, I am filled with trepidation.

The Importance of the Exam

To me, taking the AHC exam will be the culmination of my formal studies and a rite of passage. Not taking the exam would be like studying law and not taking the bar exam, or studying accounting and not taking the CPA exam. Taking the NAMACB exam marks a major milestone in my studies, an accomplishment in and of itself. Successful completion of the exam will provide proof that all my hard work and efforts have paid off.

 Ayurvedic medicine as a wellness profession is still emerging in the U.S. Passing the exam demonstrates to the public that I am an Ayurvedic professional who has attained a standardized amount of knowledge. NAMACB certification also assures clients of my proficiency in the services that I offer. Besides, when and if licensing comes to my state, I will have my NAMACB credential to support my state license application.

 Since I want to practice as an Ayurvedic professional, I believe it is important to support my profession, demonstrate my commitment to it, and participate in its self-regulation. NAMACB certification is one way I plan to provide such support. Credentialing processes in any profession or discipline foster credibility and elevate the profession. For the practitioner, credentials demonstrate attainment of peer-developed competency standards.

Passing my exam will allow me to use the NAMACB “CAHC” (Certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor) mark,  and will convey my credibility as a practitioner to my clients. As a NAMA Professional Member, my status as a CAHC will also enable potential clients to find me and verify my credentials via the “Find an Ayurvedic Professional” search on the NAMA website.

Passing my exam will allow me to use the NAMACB “CAHC” (Certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor) mark, and will convey my credibility as a practitioner to my clients.
— Laura Klover

Exam Preparation

Fortunately, the NAMACB provides potential exam candidates with some extremely helpful exam reference guides and practice questions. These resources are thorough to be sure, but I admit that I find them a little daunting in their breadth and depth. Then, there is the Sanskrit in the study materials. I am torn between utter respect for this sacred language and awareness of my lack of proficiency in it. Sighing, I return to my notes.

How will I know when I am ready to take the exam? Everyone is different; as for me, I will give myself a time limit in which to study and then force myself to take the test, treating it much like a final exam in college. Better to get it over and done with and the sooner, the better, while everything is still fresh in my mind.  

Time to get my exam scheduled! The NAMACB provides step-by-step directions on how to apply for the test and get a transcript approved and where and how to schedule your exam (online or on site). Click here for all this information and to schedule your exam!

One day soon, I plan to practice as a Certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor, and the path to this goal is through the national exam. If you are a student of Ayurveda graduating soon, or you graduated a while ago but have not yet taken the exam, won’t you join me?


About the Author

Laura Klover is an Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist, registered yoga and meditation teacher, and a member of the NAMA Student Subcommittee. She loves building ojas by hiking with her man and her dog in the Kansas City heartland. Website:; Instagram: @livingyogaprime.

Through the Ether: Moving the Study and Practice of Ayurveda Online

By Jennifer Kurdyla

“And may I see your tongue?” After several years of peering at my own tongue in the mirror every morning, and a week of looking at my classmates’ tongues during an AHC module at school, I was still nervous asking my first client to open her mouth for this integral part of our intake session. What made it even stranger, though, were the cues I had to give to actually be able to see her tongue: “Can you tilt your chin down a little, open wider, and say ‘aaaaah’? There, stop, now just hold it there!” The consultation was taking place over Zoom, and despite the clarity of our video connection, peering into the dark recesses of someone’s mouth probably wasn’t top of mind when laptop cameras were developed. 

Practically overnight, the slightly nerve-wracking, totally rewarding, experience of working with clients one-on-one got a whole lot more complicated—and Ayurveda programs like mine couldn’t have had the foresight to prep my class of budding health counselors in the art of online consults. Word of the spread of COVID-19 in the United States had just started to pepper news headlines during the aforementioned training module at the end of February 2020, and while hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes were in plentiful supply (along with coughs and sneezes and mucus, for that matter) in the center where my class gathered to study for ten days, no one was prepared for what would unfold in a matter of weeks. The global pandemic continues to create devastating losses, including closing the doors of many Ayurvedic schools, yoga centers, and other places of wellness around the world where Ayurveda is practiced.  

For me as a student of Ayurveda, the loss was manifold. My program, which I deliberately chose over others for the in-person learning environment, was put on indefinite pause, preventing me and my classmates from making dough bastis together in the kitchen, conducting our daily morning sadhana in the clear mountain air, and attending our graduation ceremony where we’d be together with friends and family, hug freely, and drink chai. Still, we were able to finish the program virtually and had a lovely and moving close to complete this transformative experience. Our dean and teachers sent us off with a missive that felt both scary and imperative: to embody Ayurveda even when it felt impossible in our uncertain world and to keep this healing art alive in a time where it was needed more than ever. 

And indeed, here we are. Ayurveda is persisting, thriving even, in virtual classrooms, consulting rooms, personal and professional calls, kitchens and dorms and hospitals all over the world. This should come as no surprise, really—throughout its long history of this medical system, Ayurveda has been threatened by many forces, and yet it has always found its way back into the light. The principles of adaptation, presence, and integrity at the core of its teachings are what keep Ayurveda alive in the face of all of these obstacles. They’re also what we, as students and practitioners, can return to as inspiration to help us adapt our work to the current times and the needs of our clients.

As a new AHC, I am myself surprised by how the seeming obstacle of working online has turned into an asset. My program’s cohort is able to have regular Zoom sessions to not only keep in touch with each other, but also “talk shop” about what we’re seeing in our practices clinically and brainstorm ideas for our individual offerings. Rather than being restricted by geography (which for me includes a fair amount of competition, since I live in a wellness-heavy city), I’m able to work with people in different time zones and countries one-on-one and in group settings. I’ve had to rethink my business strategy overall, but knowing that I can take and teach Ayurveda wherever I am has freed up the idea of where I call home, allowing me to live Ayurveda with more authenticity. As such, I can see how the way I teach, write, and create offerings is much more innovative and responsive to the needs of the moment, rather than a reaction to the “marketplace” or an attempt to keep up with my peers on social media. I feel that I’m planting seeds in more resilient and adaptable soil, and that I’ll be able to harvest good fruit from them for my clients and students for a long time.

Whether you see the current situation as a glass half empty or half full, Ayurveda asks us to see the situation clearly for what it is. In making decisions that support our ability to study and practice while sustaining our basic needs, there’s no wrong way we can go. Rather than resorting to worrisome extremes—I’ll never be able to take someone’s pulse again, or I’ll never be able to graduate now!—we can all practice taking the middle path and surrendering to the truth of our new world as it changes breath by breath. The macrocosm may be reflected in our microcosm, but the way we tend to our microcosms will ultimately reflect in the macrocosm with equal potency. By choosing to view the online Ayurveda universe through eyes of hope, compassion, and opportunity—whether we share the practices through our own self-care or helping others—we can take a mighty step forward in generating those qualities in the world at large. 


About the Author

Jennifer Kurdyla is an Ayurvedic Health Counselor, yoga teacher, and writer. She is the co-author of the forthcoming cookbook, Root & Nourish: An Herbal Cookbook for Women's Wellness (Tiller Press, April 2021), and lives in Brooklyn, New York. Website: | Instagram: @jenniferkurdyla

Dr. Anu is Helping to Grow and Expand Global Awareness of Ayurveda


One of the foremost leaders in the field of Ayurveda, Dr. Anu is helping to grow and expand global awareness of Ayurveda. I sat down with her in February to discuss her inspiring travels around the world.

In October 2019 Dr. Anu traveled to China for the World Traditional Medicine Forum. Here is a brief description of her time there.

I was honored to receive an invitation to participate in the Shanghai Forum for World Traditional Medicine as a representative from the field of Ayurveda. Experts from Germany, Japan, Thailand, the USA, China, Australia, Malaysia, and Sri Lanka, along with three international organizations, were there to discuss the latest developments in traditional medicine and international standardization of traditional complementary medicine in their home countries and their region of the world. During the last part of the trip, I had the opportunity to visit a few temples in Shanghai. These experiences made my time in China very special.

 What did you find most interesting about the forum?

[I was very amazed ] by the progress of  traditional medicine in other countries. It was interesting to learn how these traditional healing arts are practiced in some of these countries and how they have been integrated into the main healthcare system. I was proud to represent Ayurveda at this conference. We are also at the forefront of this resurgence of traditional medicine. Ayurveda is one of the oldest  medical systems in the world and a fully developed approach to healthcare in India, and it has been growing globally over the past few decades. 

What were your takeaways from the forum?

Understanding how other systems of medicine, like Chinese Medicine, have gained acceptance worldwide helps me envision how Ayurveda can achieve the same. The biggest difference with Chinese Medicine is that Chinese scientists have been successful in promoting its practice with evidence-based research, while Ayurveda is still in the process of doing so. We need to conduct more pharmacoepidemiological studies documenting the safety and effectiveness of Ayurvedic  medicine. Different systems of medicine can learn how to progress and grow from each other. 

You have also traveled to Japan; can you tell me about that?

Since few years, I have been travelling to Japan to give a talk at Japan school of Ayurveda and this time I also got the invitation to give a lecture organized by Tokyo University, and Nihon Pharmaceuticals university. While I was there, I also taught an introduction to Ayurveda at a yoga center. Ayurveda is gaining popularity in Japan. Its educational aspect is the primary focus of interest in that country. Over the last 10–20 years, a few clinics in other healthcare modalities have introduced Ayurvedic approaches to wellness. It is very interesting to see that few Ayurvedic research studies were also conducted there. Since aging populations are a major concern in Japan, medical providers there are more interested in the practical application of Ayurvedic strategies for preventing disease and optimizing health.

Can you tell me about your participation in the World Health Organization’s benchmark development meeting?

 It was a great honor to be part of the World Health Organization meeting on benchmarking documents for the practice of Ayurveda, Panchakarma, and Unani. There were 53 members from different countries who participated in this meeting. I truly enjoyed working with this team, and I am so proud to see the growth of Ayurveda globally! 

The WHO is currently taking an active role in developing global training, practice, and educational standards for Ayurveda, and I was glad to be able to represent the U.S. in discussions toward that end.

To what do you attribute the current surge in interest in establishing global standards for Ayurveda? 

The Indian Government is putting a lot of effort into the development and growth of Ayurveda worldwide. In India, AYSUH is collaborating with the WHO to establish consistently rigorous standards for Ayurveda practice and education globally. I believe that we are on the right path, though it may take some time to develop and implement these standards. Once our profession is firmly grounded in standards that ensure the safety, quality, and effectiveness of our services, Ayurveda will gain increased acceptance and respect around the world . 

What are your goals for the future of Ayurveda?

My dream is to see Ayurveda as a mainstream practice in U.S. Though this may take time, we need to start doing groundwork for this. I believe that this ancient medicine has so much value. It is a time-tested medicine practiced for thousands of years. Recent studies in modern medicine indicate the importance  of diet, sleep, and exercise for health promotion and disease management, a concept that emerged thousands of years ago in Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a complete science, but it is not yet very well known to the world, so we have to educate others about this profound healing science of life—Ayurveda. 

Do you have any advice for new practitioners?

It can be overwhelming when you are starting out, because of the need to master the specific language, terminology, and extensive knowledge base of Ayurveda. In the U.S. the number of educational hours required for graduation from Ayurvedic programs is increasing, and this is very important and good for the students. Do not give up; have commitment to and a passion for learning Ayurveda. Practice in a genuine way, without relying on shortcuts. Our profession is growing with more and more  clients seeking care from Ayurvedic professionals. Protect the profession while practicing and teaching. Strict ethical standards need to be followed. Understand your limitations and the scope of your practice, pursue continuing education, and read the classical texts. I also feel that we need to learn to speak in a shared language that makes Ayurveda understandable to everyone. Ayurveda is a patient-centered, customized approach to healthcare for individuals and families, as well as an all-encompassing way of life. The unique value of Ayurveda lies in consciousness-based practices that nurture health in body, mind, and spirit and that promote balance in every aspect of our life. A balanced and peaceful state of mind is a key aspect of well-being. Ayurveda has taught me to value community, family, relationships, love, compassion, and peace. Its lessons inform my belief that we must all join hands with each other because our future depends on a community that stays together. A strong, united community will guide the mission, vision, and growth of Ayurveda. 

Your work is currently receiving international recognition. Which awards have meant the most to you?

I am extremely honored and humbled to have received the Sheikh Zayed International Award for Ayurveda in Abu Dhabi. This award bears the name of late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the founder of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and a visionary statesman who dedicated his life to laying a solid foundation for a progressive society that benefits everyone. The award aims to create, recognize, and reward excellence in traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine. 

The APHA ICTHP service award for outstanding leadership, service, and dedication to integrative complementary and traditional health practices also means a great deal to me.

 Another award that I cherish came from the SoCaL Kerala Ladies: the 2020 Surya Prabha Women Achievers Award for outstanding contribution in the field of Ayurvedic medicine.

I dedicate all these awards to my family, teachers, friends, students, and the Almighty. These honors make me more determined than ever to dedicate my life to Ayurveda. Ayurveda has been practiced for thousands of years. As the adoption of this powerful healing system continues to spread around the globe, the ancient science of Ayurveda now promises to become one of the most valuable contributions to the future of modern healthcare. 

Anupama (Anu) Kizhakkeveettil, BAMS (Ayurveda), MAOM, L.Ac., CMT, C-IAYT, Ph.D.

Dr. Anupama (Anu) Kizhakkeveettil is an Ayurvedic Practitioner, licensed acupuncturist, and certified yoga teacher. She is a professor and Program Director of Ayurvedic Medicine at Southern California University of Health Sciences. She serves as Board Director for National Ayurvedic Medical Association and California Association of Ayurvedic Medicine. She also serves as president of Athreya Herbs.


About Author

Anjali Deva, AP

Anjali Deva is an Ayurvedic practitioner, writer & teacher in Los Angeles. Her private practice Rooted Rasa specializes in understanding anxiety, depression, PTSD, digestive disorders and women’s health. Anjali has been greatly fortunate to have been introduced to Ayurveda at a young age by her father and mentor Arun Deva. 

Why I will never miss a NAMA conference


by Maria Radloff

Chair – NAMA Students Subcommittee

It was through yoga that I discovered Ayurveda, and every time I practice, I think of my first teacher and all the doors he opened for me. Today I still practice ashtanga yoga, study Sanskrit, participate in a weekly Ayurvedic philosophy class, and am working on completing my AP training at Kerala Ayurveda Academy.

Ayurveda was an instant attraction for me, but it took many years to solidify my dream of attending a NAMA-recognized school. During that time, however, I did discover NAMA and longed to attend their conferences, featuring famous speakers and so many interesting topics. I was so smitten, but I was too afraid to go since I had no formal education in Ayurveda.

Fast forward ten years to when it became my dream to study Ayurveda. Not only am I now a NAMA Student Member, I am an active on a NAMA Students committee, and I have already attended two conferences and am registered for a third in April!


I was a little nervous about going alone to my first conference, but a dear friend hooked me up with a roommate, and I had a few friends from other cities that would also be attending. I knew my teachers and some classmates would be there, which was also comforting.

After having attended two conferences, I can say that I have always felt included because everyone there is very friendly and welcoming. I met people at meals with whom I shared a table and at workshops, and I met other students. I now feel confident about going because there will be many familiar faces from my growing circle of friends who study and practice Ayurveda.

Spending an entire weekend with passionate Ayurvedic professionals and students is great support for me because I feel a bit isolated in my Ayurvedic community in Utah. Spending the weekend learning and sharing with such a variety of people really helps me stay connected to both the greater vision of Ayurveda and my purpose in studying it.

Good Eats

When I talk to people about Ayurveda, the subject I’m most passionate about is Ayurvedic cooking. I love food and I love encouraging people to cook and use spices. Let me tell you about eating at NAMA conferences! There is no greater joy than that of sharing an Ayurvedic meal, especially when the food is sublime. NAMA brings recipes to the chefs who prepare the meals, and the magic that happens in the kitchen produces unforgettably delicious results. There are three daily vegetarian meals that even for a snacking vata like me are fully satiating. The food is seriously the best!

Friends and teachers from Ayurveda school, 2019.

Friends and teachers from Ayurveda school, 2019.

Panchakarma panelists, 2018

Panchakarma panelists, 2018

Friends that I knew from Phoenix who also love Ayurveda, 2019.

Friends that I knew from Phoenix who also love Ayurveda, 2019.


Because my knowledge of Ayurveda is still at the student level, I was nervous that the workshops might be over my head. That wasn’t the case. My feeling is that we hear is what we can understand, and we all get something a little different. The presentations are useful for students and  practitioners at all levels. What I enjoy most is hearing from a teacher who broadens my understanding of a topic by presenting it  in a new way. 

I can also continue my studies after the conference by purchasing recordings of the workshops. I listen to them on my iPod while hiking, dog walking, or traveling. Knowing that I can get the recordings means that I can be fully present to the speakers and not have to worry about taking notes.

Relevance in the Modern World

The conference is the best place to hear about the role of Ayurveda in the real world, complete with real-world data and studies. This material shows why the ancient practice of Ayurveda is a practical healthcare approach for modern society. Presenters share current data about health and cultural trends. For example, during last year’s conference on Ayurveda for the Mind, the topic of social media’s psychological impact came up frequently. We were given stats on how social media affects mental health and how we can use Ayurveda to manage its effects. If you want to learn about how Ayurveda is being used as a modern healthcare tool, the conference is the place to go.

Conferences really inspire me each year to study, practice, and invest in Ayurveda as an student, because it is there that I get to experience Ayurveda through the lens of NAMA. This perspective helps me truly appreciate NAMA’s vision and purpose. I am so excited that there is work being done to create a licensed Ayurvedic career pathway in this country. NAMA is needed to help our community eliminate the legal and other barriers to the growth of Ayurveda in the U.S. It was because of my first conference that I was inspired to join NAMA as a volunteer. 

Ayurvedic celebrities!, 2019.

Ayurvedic celebrities!, 2019.

Of course I’m sharing the photo with Robert Svaboda. Can you see my giddiness?!, 2018.

Of course I’m sharing the photo with Robert Svaboda. Can you see my giddiness?!, 2018.

Ayurvedic Celebrities

And lastly, one of my favorite things about the NAMA conference is the chance to enjoy “celebrity sightings”! I see the authors of my favorite books and the famous Ayurvedic teachers—all of the big names in Ayurveda. Robert Svoboda was the keynote at the first conference I attended, and I am his biggest fan! He was as charming and smart in person as he is in his books. I was mesmerized. I tried to be nonchalant when I got a photo with him, but as soon as I felt my feet walking toward him, all giddy hell broke loose and I couldn’t stop smiling like a lunatic. I have since gotten my demeanor around Ayurvedic celebrities under control, but I have to admit, seeing them in person is still quite glorious!

Big Break for NAMA Student Members

If you’re a NAMA Student Member like me, you get the benefit of the biggest pricing discount NAMA offers. If you’re not, you can sign up (make sure you complete steps to become a Student Member). 

After you’re all signed up as a Student Member, you’ll want to take advantage of your discount and register for Conference.  

In Conclusion

Attending the NAMA conference had been a dream for so long that I do everything I can to make it happen each year. I have to plan early and budget, which can sometimes be intimidating, but I wouldn’t miss the yearly conference for anything. My experiences there are what inspires me to continue studying and practicing. As a student, I get to see what is possible. I learn from the best. I discover Ayurveda in new ways. I think it’s important for anyone studying or practicing Ayurveda to be able to attend as many conferences as possible in order to connect with other  students and practitioners, share ideas, and stay in the know.

I will be attending the NAMA conference in 2020 and look forward to seeing many familiar and new faces, especially the other students!


About Author

Maria Radloff is currently an AWP student at Kerala Ayurveda Academy. Besides studying ayurveda, Maria practices and teaches Ashtanga Yoga as well as Sanskrit. She has taught at a variety of yoga studios for over ten years and has taught at many yoga teacher training programs. She also offers a regular online Sanskrit class. Besides her passion for yoga, she loves design and writing and works as a graphic designer, specializing in non-profits and yoga businesses. Her greatest love, though, is introducing Ayurveda to anyone she can reach through writing articles and teaching workshops.

Sharing Ayurveda With Young Adults

by Lisa Weinberg, AD

Teenagers are searching for balance and direction in life. Most young adults in my community are overscheduled. Their days are filled with academics and extracurricular activities, such as clubs, sports, and projects related to their school and local community, as well as chores and jobs. 

Their high school offers Advanced Placement courses, and most parents are directing their children to be involved in anything and everything that could benefit them in their college application process. The pressure is on and is felt by many. 

How do we guide our kids to find success and joy and maintain good health in body, mind, and spirit so they can love, live, laugh, be present, have passion, and stay grounded? 

Ayurveda. Over the past few years I have worked with local youth and high schoolers discussing yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda. I find that high school seniors preparing for graduation and college are most interested in learning how these disciplines can help them to live and succeed away from home. 

We discuss Ayurvedic healthcare routines, including daily habits that will serve them on their journey. Most important, we keep these routines simple and make adjustments along the way. 

Recently I was asked to teach a week-long immersion for the local upper school in my community. Most students were fascinated by our discussion of the three doshas: vatapitta, and kapha. The first few days featured conversations about prakruti and vikruti and how to know the difference. The kids also found discussion of the four elements—ether, air, fire, water, and earth—informative and helpful in understanding both themselves and their surroundings. 

I still remember the two seniors I mentored in the spring of 2016. They worked with me learning the basics of Ayurveda and how to include simple Ayurvedic practices in their daily routines. We talked about their upcoming final exams and college selection. By the end of our time together, they were both committed to shifting their morning routines and sleep schedule along with incorporating daily meditation and personalized yoga sequences into their daily life. I was so gratified when they reported enjoying reduced anxiousness and better quality of sleep during the first ten days of their new Ayurvedic lifestyle. 

We know that understanding who we are and how we behave/react will better equip us to deal with times of transition and struggle. Offering Ayurveda, yoga, and meditation to those students has made a difference in their life and approach to living. 

One young lady who had enrolled in the week-long immersion course shared that she was excited to learn about Ayurveda, something she had never heard of before. She expressed her great enthusiasm to her parents. Her mom and dad appreciated their daughter’s newfound joy and interest in Ayurveda. They asked for book recommendations and thanked me for teaching their child and being open and engaging with her.

Reaching out to the next generation has been immensely satisfying. I have found that Ayurveda is more than just another tool in their toolbox. It has opened their minds and introduced their bodies to a happy, healthy way of being.


About the Author

 “My commitment is to helping others help themselves—living life healthy and well.”

Lisa Weinberg, AD, is based in Cranston, Rhode Island, and has studied Ayurveda, Vedic astrology, yoga, meditation, and energy work and has earned certification in Pet Assisted Therapy Training (PATT). She has practiced Ayurvedic medicine since receiving her AD diploma in in 2001.