Post-Conference Event on April 25


Monday, April 25, 2022, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM

with Sarita Shrestha, BAMS, MD (Ayu), Terra Rafael, CAP, and Heather Grzych, CAP
JW Marriott Tucson Starr Pass Resort

This special post-conference seminar is designed for Ayurvedic professionals that wish to dive deeper into the topic of preparing for and maintaining healthy progeny. This advanced track session will cover three main topics with presenters Sarita Shrestha, BAMS, MD (Ayu) and Heather Grzych, CAP:

  • Preparation for a health pregnancy

  • Practices for each trimester of pregnancy

  • Care of the newborn and infant – child care

This full-morning session requires separate registration.
Special 2022 Post-Conference Event Pricing: $80 for non-members | $60 for members

Join Us For Our 18th Annual Conference! April 22- 24, 2022 + Post conference event april 25

If traveling to Arizona will not be possible for you, we’ve also developed a Virtual Conference Day on Saturday, April 23! You will see one Featured Presentation live, and receive access to the other two after the event. Learn more →

earn pace credit

NAMA Professional Members can earn 15 credits for attending the full conference; 3 credits for each Pre-Conference Practicum attended and 3 credits for the Post-Conference Event.

NAMA Is Hiring!

The National Ayurvedic Medical Association has two open job opportunities. Apply to join our team today!

PACE Administrator

NAMA is looking for a part-time (5-10 hours/week) Professional Ayurvedic Continuing Education (PACE) Administrator to start immediately. Work remotely from home office. Computer and systems proficient and highly detail oriented. Flexible hours are possible.

Application Deadline is February 15, 2022

Please send your inquiries to

Administrative Assistant

NAMA is looking for a part-time (20 hours/week) Administrative Assistant to start immediately. Work remotely from home office. Computer and systems proficient and highly detail oriented. Flexible hours are possible.

Application Deadline is February 15, 2022

Please send your inquiries to

2022 Call for Research Poster Abstracts

The 2022 Annual Conference team is expanding the conference offerings by creating an opportunity to share research conducted by members of our community. We are now extending a call for Research Poster Abstracts based on research work in the realm of Ayurveda. 


There is no limit to the topics that will be considered for review; however, it is important that the use of Ayurvedic concepts and techniques be at the forefront of the work. Topics may include clinical trials, basic science research, case studies, and methodology considerations, keeping in mind the application and interpretation of data using Ayurvedic concepts.

The formal Poster Session is scheduled for the afternoon of Saturday, April 23rd from 5:00-6:00 PM. The Presenting Author of the work should be available to present on site at the poster during this time (Only one Presenting Author per poster). NAMA will offer all selected Authors complimentary registration for April 23rd.

Congratulations to NAMA's Newest Board Certified Professionals and Ayurvedic Doctor Members

Congratulations to NAMA's Newest Board Certified Professionals and Ayurvedic Doctor Members

NAMA is excited to bring to you its newest board certified Professional Members and Ayurvedic Doctor members. These new Ayurvedic Health Counselor and Ayurvedic Practitioner Professional Members successfully completed a rigorous education that qualified them to sit for, and pass, the NAMA Certification Board (NAMACB) certification exam. Each of them chose to distinguish themselves as a board certified professional and a NAMA Professional Member.  

NAMA is proud of its newest Ayurvedic Doctor members. Each is a graduate of a NAMA recognized Ayurvedic Doctor program or a BAMS degree program. The last phase of Ayurvedic board certification—the exam for Ayurvedic Doctors—begins with the AD Beta Exam launching on February 1, 2022. The NAMACB will hold an information session on the exam on January 17, 2022. The NAMACB will use the results of beta exam to develop the live AD exam.

During the period July – November 2021, 24 candidates were awarded CAHC, CAP, and AD membership. Those granting permission for their name to be shared are listed below. Congratulations to all.

Ayurvedic doctors

Rasika Sonaji

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science


Ayurvedic Practitioners

Kiersten Angelos

New Mexico
The Ayurvedic Institute

Archana Arora

Yoga Veda Institute

Kusum Bhandari

New Mexico
The Ayurvedic Institute

Bridget Kaczmarek

New York
The Ayurvedic Institute

Jeremy Louman

Southern California University of Health Sciences

Lily Malick

Southern California University of Health Sciences

Deborah Moroder

The Ayurvedic Institute

Giuditta Paci-Fortune

New Mexico
The Ayurvedic Institute

Kadiatou Sibi

Southern California University of Health Sciences

Joy Sun

Southern California University of Health Sciences

Padma Vaela

Kerala Ayurveda Academy

Linda Webb

Southern California University of Health Sciences


Ayurvedic health counselors

Jill Curtis

Yoga Veda Institute

Rebecca Donato

Boston Ayurveda School

Natalie Elledge

Sampoorna Ayurvedic College

Vicki Garino

Boston Ayurveda School

Laila Jewayni

Kerala Ayurveda Academy

Tiffany Reinitz

Minnesota Institute of Ayurveda


Spotlight on Pre-conference Practicums

Pre-conference Practicums will be held on Friday, April 22. These three-hour sessions require separate registration. Special 2022 Practicum Pricing: $80 for non-members | $60 for members.

These sessions are designed to provide our professionals with hands-on experience in Ayurvedic applications and in-depth exposure to the topics. Plus, you can attend both a morning AND afternoon session!



Susan Etheridge, JD, CAP, Carlie Irvin, FNP-BC, and Birgitta Bella, PA-C, MHR, and Kathy Jo Staheli, AD
Morning session: Friday, April 22, 8:30 - 11:30 AM



Jayagopal Parla, AD, BAMS, MD(AYU), CMT, MAOM, C-IAYT, and Jean Bokelmann, MD
Afternoon session: Friday, April 22, 1:00 - 4:00 PM



Raja Sivamani, MD, and Revathi Veeraraghavan, CAP
Afternoon session: Friday, April 22, 1:00 - 4:00 PM


Join Us For Our 18th Annual Conference! April 22- 24, 2022 + Post conference event april 25

If traveling to Arizona will not be possible for you, we’ve also developed a Virtual Conference Day on Saturday, April 23! You will see one Featured Presentation live, and receive access to the other two after the event. Learn more →

earn pace credit

NAMA Professional Members can earn 15 credits for attending the full conference; 3 credits for each Pre-Conference Practicum attended and 3 credits for the Post-Conference Event.

Updates from the D&I Committee

diversity and inclusion NAMA ayurveda

NAMA’s Diversity & Inclusion Committee have a few exciting updates to share. First, we are proud to introduce the new Diversity & Inclusion Statement that will guide the work of not only the D&I committee, but every department of NAMA’s operations. This statement has been included with NAMA’s main mission statement and is now published in the Mission, Vision, Purpose section of the homepage. To learn more about D&I at NAMA, please visit the Diversity & Inclusion page. (Don’t miss the fantastic Resource List available to everyone!)

In keeping with the spirit of Ayurveda, NAMA stands in support of all communities that make up our diverse nation and world. The safety, inclusion and well-being of our entire community is intrinsic to our mission. We are committed to fostering a culture of diversity, inclusion, equity, anti-racism and cultural competence among our leadership, staff and members.


We are also pleased to announce that Chara Caruthers, ERYT-500, C-IAYT, CAP, is the new chair of the Diversity & Inclusion committee. Read her statement to the Board below to learn more about Chara’s background, experience, and intentions in her new leadership role. Congratulations and welcome, Chara!

I want to take a few minutes to share my story and give a personal face to what the D&I Committee believes we’re here to do and perhaps some context for our desire to include words like anti-racism in our focus as an organization.

I have been an Ayurvedic practitioner for eleven years and a member of NAMA for nearly as long. Like many of my NAMA colleagues, I serve communities composed primarily of white women between the ages of 40 and 60. Women who, in many ways like myself, move through the world with a degree of privilege that allows or compels them to make wellness a priority in their lives. Having grown up in white middle class neighborhoods, been to the best schools, traveled extensively, and worked for a time in the corporate world, I recognized these women’s struggles in myself and didn’t think much about the intersectionality of who I am and what it meant to be a Black woman in the world of wellness. 

And then came the murder of George Floyd in May of 2021, and the world erupted again at the blatant inequity, abuse, inhumanity. A long overdue and much needed global spotlight was placed on the bedrock of racism and injustice that this country was built upon, perpetrates on a daily basis, and quietly operates from on all levels. 

For me, a Black woman living in the middle of a very white Australia, married to a white man, serving primarily white clients and students, and yet living with the memories of being the target of all manner of racial slurs growing up in Southern California, the global spotlight served to illuminate my personal blind spots. Owing to my own personal experiences of privilege, I, like many of my white friends and students, had thought that racism was a much smaller issue, that it barely impacted me personally and that we, as Americans and as growing global community were moving swiftly toward overcoming racism and every other -ism that it empowers. But the truth is, we’re only just beginning.

This most recent experience of social unrest is only a nudge toward a state of awakening. I’ve lived my whole life subject to and limited and defined by a collective understanding that shapes my choices, my beliefs, and my potential for well-being and self-realization without fully seeing it. As the proverbial fish who doesn’t see the water. It’s the social conditioning that Ayurveda and yoga invite us to transcend, and yet so many of us are tempted to hit the snooze button and drift back to a comfortable sleep.

But now that I clearly see the water, I can’t unsee it. I recognize that the communities that I’m actually here to serve are those women and people of color who, because of the water we swim in, have felt disempowered and unworthy of self-care or well-being for that matter. Who are tired, unaware, and unsure of how to experience and create wellness and support others in their communities to do the same.

I am here to serve the folks who show up to my classes and courses and who want to learn about, practice, and teach Ayurveda because they see someone who looks like them, like me, doing it, living it, and being it and because they rightfully see Ayurveda as support for taking their power back.

I’ve chosen to volunteer for this committee because I believe in Ayurveda’s vast potential to serve marginalized communities who are disempowered and disenfranchised around well-being. I also believe the opportunity exists for NAMA to embrace and support these communities by becoming an organization that truly sees the water we’re all swimming in, recognizes the challenges of marginalized people, and commits and openly works to create a safe and welcoming space for us where we can grow and thrive.

Chara Caruthers, ERYT-500, C-IAYT, CAP, is an international teacher, speaker, author and women’s wellness mentor. Chara has studied and practiced Ayurveda in the USA, Australia and India. Her work focuses on sharing these ancient principles in a modern context, empowering people of all backgrounds and cultures to live juicier, more connected lives.

Warmest Season’s Greetings from NAMA

Greetings to All of Our Members,

As we reflect on the past year and prepare to ring in 2022, we’d like to pause in gratitude for NAMA members, volunteers, supporters, and friends. The organization has grown stronger than ever in 2021, as we have welcomed new staff members, board members, and volunteers, all united in our vision to share and promote Ayurveda in the United States. Over the past two decades, NAMA’s core values and mission have not wavered, thanks to the tireless efforts of the Board of Directors and Committee volunteers. There are currently over 70 members volunteering their time on the 15+ committees and subcommittees of the organization. The vibrant and dynamic Ayurvedic community that has come together continues to empower individuals, communities and humanity to enhance health, well-being and self-awareness through Ayurveda.

This year, we are grateful to recognize and honor the dedicated individuals who have volunteered their time, knowledge, and experience to NAMA in the past years and have stepped down in 2021. Their steady leadership and expert guidance have helped shape Ayurveda in the United States and will undoubtedly continue to do so in the years to come.


Jayarajan Kodikannath, BSc., BAMS, AD
NAMA President

Wynn Werner
21 years

Alakananda Ma *

11 years

Dhaval Dhru

10 years


Margrit Mikulis

9 years

Raja Sivamani

4 years


*In addition to recognizing her outstanding service to NAMA, we’d also like to wish Alakananda Ma a very happy 70th birthday on December 15th!

Meet the Featured Presenters

April 22- 24, 2022
Virtual Conference day April 23
Post-conference event april 25

Join Us For Our 18th Annual Conference! Each year our board, committee, staff, and volunteers work diligently to bring an annual event that delivers an abundance of valuable tools and education to NAMA members and the community at large.

This upcoming live event will feature multiple opportunities for our community members to come together and explore a variety of topics and learning formats. If traveling to Arizona will not be possible for you, we’ve also developed a Virtual Conference Day option on April 23, 2022. You will see one Featured Presentation live, and receive access to the other two after the event.

NAMA Professional Members can earn 15 credits for attending the full conference; 3 credits for each Pre-Conference Practicum attended and 3 credits for the Post-Conference Event.

2022 Featured Presenters


with John Douillard, DC, CAP

John Douillard, DC, CAP, has authored seven Ayurvedic health books, including the bestsellers Eat Wheat and The 3-Season Diet. He is a frequent guest on The Dr. Oz Show, a former NBA nutritionist, and the creator of and LifeSpa Products—where ancient Ayurvedic wisdom meets modern science. His 10M+ YouTube views and 105k+ newsletter subscribers attest to the breadth and enthusiasm of his audience.


with Vasant Lad, BAMS, MASc

Vasant Lad, BAMS, MASc, is a native of India and served for three years as the Medical Director of the Ayurveda Hospital in Pune, India. He was a Professor of Clinical Medicine at the Pune University College of Ayurvedic Medicine for 15 years. He holds a BAMS degree from the University of Pune and a Master’s of Ayurvedic Science (MAsc) degree from Tilak Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya. His academic and practical training includes the study of allopathy (Western medicine) and surgery as well as traditional Ayurveda. He traveled to the U.S. in 1979 and started the Ayurvedic Institute in 1984. The author of numerous books, Vasant Lad is respected throughout the world for his knowledge of Ayurveda. His work, which comprises over 500,000 copies of his books in print in the U.S., has been translated into more than 20 languages.


with Sarita Shrestha, BAMS, MD (Ayu)

Sarita Shrestha, BAMS, MD (Ayu), is the Founder and Chairman of Devi Ma Kunja Ayurvedic Hospital as well as the Founder and Director of Vedaya Ayurveda, in Kathmandu, Nepal. She is the first woman Ayurvedic (MD) specialist in Nepal. She has been practicing Ayurveda and yoga for more than 30 years and has worked for the government of Nepal in the field of Ayurveda for 21 years as a medical officer. She lectures at Tribhuvan University, the Ayurvedic College in Nepal, and Sanskrit University and is also a long-standing faculty member at Mount Madonna Institute of Ayurveda in California.


Looking For A Unique Gift Idea?

Give the gift of knowledge and learning with a NAMA gift card!

Choose from the three available values:

  • $29 will pay for a 1-hour video recording

  • $39 will pay for a 1.5-2 hour session

  • $149 will cover the entire Business of Ayurveda package or a combination of shorter videos

You can send the gift card code directly to the recipient or choose to receive it yourself to pass along. It will never expire and our library keeps growing!