Full 2021 Conference Package
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Strengthen Immunity through Practice (General Track)
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Using Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy for Effective Management of Stress (General Track)
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Biodiversity Is Health; Biodiversity Is Sustainability (Featured)
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Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia Still Inspiring Medical Scientists: Traditional Medicines and Mitochondrial Disorders (Featured)
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The Evolution of Integrative Medical Education (Featured)
Digestive Health in Cancer Therapy (Advanced Track)
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Ayurveda and the Management of Gynecological Disorders (Advanced Track)
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Ayurvedic Adaptogenic Herbs and their Applications (Advanced Track)
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Evidence Based Ayurveda in Practice (Advanced Track)
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Scientific Basis for Pañcakarma (Advanced Track)
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Scientific Basis for the Use of Bhasma in Ayurveda (Advanced Track)
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Healthy Planet, Healthy People: The role of Ayurveda and the Future of Medicine - Closing Panel (General Track)
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Review of Current Ayurvedic Trials (Advanced Track)
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Ayurveda and Perimenopause (General Track)
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Ayurveda and Circadian Rhythms (General Track)
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Ayurveda and the Science of Vyayama (Exercise) (General Track)
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Management of Asthma in Ayurveda (Advanced Track)
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Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy for Vishama Agni (General Track)
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Yoga through the Koshas for Deep Relaxation and the Management of Stress (General Track)
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Integrative Medical and Ayurvedic Approach to Pandemic and Epidemic Disease (Post Conference)
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Clinical Integrative and Ayurvedic Approach for COVID-19 (Post Conference)
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Integrative Medical and Ayurvedic Perspective on Infectious and Immunological Disorders (Post Conference)
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Transdisciplinary Research Approach to Evidence-Based Ayurveda (Featured)