Course Topic:
TIA (Topics in Ayurveda) = 12 PACE Credits
Course Description:
This course is a hands-on experiential demonstration of various Ayurvedic bodywork techniques including abhyanga, Ayurvedic massage, shirodhara, basti, Marma Therapy, and herbal swedana. Students learn the techniques and put them into practice in the classroom. Students explore and practice various Sense Therapies. Because this is a survey course and does not provide in- depth training in these therapies, students will generally apply the knowledge to refer clients out to qualified practitioners.
Course Objectives::
1. Define the Scope of Practice surrounding Pancha Karma and differentiate between the treatments which an Ayurvedic Practitioner can perform and which need to be referred to a licensed body worker.
2. Classify the various PK treatments according to tridosha, srotas, dhatu, prakruti/vikruti, samprapti.
3. Distinguish among the various PK treatments and their use according to roga marga and shat kriya kala.
4. Distinguish among the classical Rasayana treatments in terms of herbs and substances.
Name (s) of Faculty Member (s):
Manisha Kshirsagar
Provider/Faculty Bio:
The mission of Mount Madonna College of Ayurveda in California is to educate and train future health professionals and empower them to use Ayurveda to transform individual health and community well-being. We envision Mount Madonna College of Ayurveda as a premier Ayurveda academic institution offering clinical and research education.
Course Dates:
September 16: 11-2pm, 2:30-5:30pm, 6:30-8:30pm
September 17th: 9:30-12:30pm, 1:30-2:30pm
Start Time:
Sept. 16th 11 am
End Time:
Sept. 17th 2:30 pm
Course Registration URL::