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Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist

Course Topic:
TIA (Topics in Ayurveda) = 7 PACE Credits
TIS (Topics in Sister-Sciences) = 3 PACE Credits

Course Description:
While we may think of psychotherapy as a relatively new field, dating back perhaps to the mid-1800's, ancient psychotherapeutic references are abundant in Āyurvedic texts reaching back as far as the Buddha and were a core part of his teachings. The three earliest compendiums of Ayurveda divide medical interventions into 8 specific fields including psychotherapy.

As it is turning out, much of the cutting edge advances in thinking and treatment in the field are beginning to align and validate much of what was taught in 400 BC in ancient India!Our minds, incredibly complex, are too often seen as a science project and not as individual works of art; reflecting our feelings, thoughts, and emotional states. They act as the lenses through which we experience both our world and ourselves.

Psychology, the study of the mind, is most useful when seen as an art form. Specifically the art of creating a healthy, happy and fulfilling life, full of wonder and joy. When we see the art in today's psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, psychosomatics, we see how we ourselves function beyond being just computational objects. Individual expressions that have undergone stressors that then move us, at least in our minds and often in our social minds, into pathologies and diseases. This is, more often than we like to acknowledge, exaggerating our distressing situations into what we imagine them to be: full blown pathologies. Or at least experiencing them that way till they become that. We forget that the answers lie in changing our relationship with our minds into one of love, compassion, kindness and equanimity rather than the fear and loathing we usually harbor towards it and that causes us to keep stuffing it with thoughts, ideas, beliefs and tasks so we never have to be alone with it.

And this is what is also missing in our relationships with each other. Ayurveda teaches us that healing our own minds is actually a service to our world. At Registration, please enter that you are a NAMA Member and your Membership number. You will receive a discounted price and PACE credits for attending the session live or by completing each session within 2 weeks of that session and submitting that you have done so. If you have not attended Live, you will be required to take a simple test to confirm you have watched the On Demand recording.

Course Objectives::
•Learn about helpful herbs, formulas, treatments. Explore the basic structure of Ayurvedic Psychiatry: the world of nature's apothecary.
•Learn how to seek divine intervention through powerful mantras, ceremonies, refined instincts of the heart, and service to others, as the divine Psychology.
•Learn how we use counseling to invoke our higher thinking processes, the positive ones that pacify our emotional body and activate emotional intelligence, through Sattavajaya Cikitsa, the Victory of Truth.
•Learn how to use all limbs of yoga as Ayurvedic psychosomatic practices to refine our relationship with our bodies and physiology as therapy for the Mind.

Name (s) of Faculty Member (s):
Arun Deva

Provider/Faculty Bio:
Arun Deva, DASc, AP-NAMA, AYT, E-RYT500, C-IAYT is a NAMA certified Ayurvedic Practitioner and Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist, IAYT-Certified Yoga Therapist, a Yoga Alliance certified Vinyasa Krama Yoga teacher, and a graduate of the American Institute Of Ayurveda. The founder of Arunachala Yoga & Ayurveda, Arun has had the pleasure of serving on the Boards of both the National and State Ayurvedic Associations, NAMA and CAAM, and he headed NAMA’s Committee for Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy, seeing it through to its fruition. Arun teaches internationally, lectures at Conferences, and writes articles for different publications, including the peer review Ayurveda Journal of Health. He has been featured on both radio and television, and he continues to teach the Ayurveda and Yoga modules for various Teacher Training Programs around the world. Arun's clinic for Ayurvedic consultations and Ayurvedic yoga therapy is available online and in person in Los Angeles/West Hollywood. Born in India, where he began his studies as a child, Arun has made his home in Los Angeles since 1977. He can be reached at

Cost for the full class is $280. 25% discount to all NAMA members (additional $30.00 off early bird discount if sign up by October 9th)

Course Dates:
October 1st - January 1st 2023

Start Time:
On Demand

End Time:
On Demand

Course Dates:
October 1st - January 1st 2023

Start Time:
On demand

End Time:
On demand

Course Registration URL::