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to Feb 12

Ayurvedic Head Massage Online Training

  • National Ayurvedic Medical Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Topics in Ayurveda: 18 PACE

Topics in Sister Sciences (e.g., Yoga, Jyotish, Vastu).: 3 PACE

Topics in Wellness (i.e., Topics outside of Ayurveda, such as Western Medicine, CPR, Chinese Medicine, etc.).: 6 PACE

Course Description:
This three-week online course offers in-depth training in Ayurvedic Head Massage (AHM), combining theoretical knowledge with practical techniques for delivering a full, hour-long head massage chair treatment. The course covers essential Ayurvedic principles, the energetic influence of the chakras, and vital marma points, all designed to enhance the treatment.

Students will learn how to perform a complete AHM sequence, including the upper back, neck, shoulders, face, and head, along with protocols for oiling the hair.The course is structured as a self-paced, four-week program, with detailed video lessons and comprehensive support materials.

These modules guide students step-by-step through the AHM techniques, from anatomy and benefits to contraindications, safety protocols, and aromatherapy for balancing the doshas. Additionally, students will participate in four weekly live Zoom sessions with instructor Glynnis Osher (CAP), offering the opportunity for questions, personalized feedback, and practice refinement. By the end of this course, students will have the skills and confidence to offer a full Ayurvedic Head Massage to clients, leaving them relaxed, rejuvenated, and balanced.

Course Objectives:
1. Perform a complete Thousand Petal Lotus Ayurvedic Head Massage (AHM) chair treatment, including techniques for the upper back, neck, shoulders, face, and head.
2. Identify and apply key Ayurvedic principles to personalize head massage treatments and address Doshic imbalances.
3. Understand and apply vital marma point therapy on the head, neck, and face to enhance the therapeutic benefits of AHM, while integrating chakra theory to balance the body’s energetic system.
4. Prepare and manage an Ayurvedic Head Massage practice, including setting up a personalized treatment space, creating or selecting appropriate massage and aromatherapy oil blends, and understanding the benefits and contraindications of the practice.

Provider/Faculty Bio: Glynnis is a passionate teacher, Ayurvedic practitioner, wellness entrepreneur, artist,and published author specializing in the wisdom arts of Ayurveda, aromatherapy and aromanutrition. Born in South Africa, Glynnis moved to New York in her 20’s. After a flourishing career as an art director, illustrator, and graphic designer in the advertsing world, she was drawn to the purposeful wellness path of Ayurveda and aromatherapy. Glynnis has been part time faculty at the Vancouver School of Healing Arts (VSOHA), for over 17 years where she has created curriculums for aromatherapy, Wellbranding, and Ayurvedic head massage for the Bodywork Therapy Program. Glynnis founded Thousand Petal Lotus Ayurvedic Head Massage and offers master trainings, retreats and an exquisite product line of Ayurvedic massage oils.

Course Start Date:
February 7th 2025

Start Time:
Each new module is released in the morning of each of the three weeks. Learning is self-paced with one additional live online session each week with instructor at 1.30pm PT

Course End Date:
February 25th 2025

End Time:

Discount Description:

Course Registration URL:

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to Mar 22

Marma Points of Ayurveda

Topics in Ayurveda: 22 CE’s

Topics in Sister Sciences (e.g., Yoga, Jyotish, Vastu): 8 CE’s

Topics in Wellness: 1 CE’s

Course Description:
Marma Points of Ayurveda begins with a brief overview of the fundamental principles of Āyurveda, including Dosha, Dhatu, and Agni/Ama. This course covers 108 Marma points, including the location and function of each point, their therapeutic uses, mechanisms of action, and any related mythology. We cover the intriguing history of Marma Chikitsa, followed by an in-depth exploration of the subtle anatomy and physiology that underlies Marma theory. We include an in-depth discussion of the Nadis, Chakras, and Koshas. Additionally, students will learn how to prepare for a Marma session, including intention setting, protective practices, polarity holds, and mantras. This course includes application techniques, including gemstones, essential oils, mantra, and tuning forks. We will teach students not only sequencing for different imbalances but also how to create their own. Once the course is completed, students will receive a certificate of completion.

Course Objectives:
1. Students will learn, location and function of Marma points
2. Subtle anatomy and physiology
3. Therapeutic uses, mechanisms of action, and mythology of Marma points
4. Yoga sequenceing for Doshic imbalances

Course Dates:
On Demand, take at your own PACE ;)

Course Registration:
NAMA Members receive a 20% Discount!

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to Oct 23

Ayurveda Demystified and Applied

Course Topic:
TIA (Topics in Ayurveda) = 15 PACE Credits

Course Description:
I am so excited to bring to you this science that has changed my life and the lives of many others I have worked with. This course will demystify Ayurveda, crack open its fundamentals and give you everything you need to make it a part of your everyday life. Seamlessly!In this course, I take you through the Ayurveda basics in such a way that you can easily apply it to your daily life. You’ll learn about Ayurvedic philosophy and how to think about it in the modern context, daily routines, nutrition, cooking & meal prep with recipes, women’s reproductive health, at-home remedies for common ailments and MORE. This course takes it deep, but makes it easy.It teaches you the Ayurvedic code of the universe, Ayurvedic nutrition, Recipes, Pantry lists, Hair and Skin, How to fix common ailments, Muscle Building, Seasons and a lot more. All made relevant for today's world.

Course Objectives:
1. To Learn Principle Based Ayurveda
2. To be able to apply authentic Ayurveda to everyday life
3. To be able to help modern day clients with their modern day lifestyles
4. To practice Ayurveda with freedom, and not overwhelm.

Name (s) of Faculty Member (s):
Nidhi Pandya, AD

Provider/Faculty Bio:
Nidhi Pandya is a leading Ayurvedic Practitioner, writer, and educator based out of New York. She grew up in India with her grandfather, an Ayurvedic healer himself.
She works 1-1 with clientele worldwide, including celebrities.
Currently, she serves as a member of the core faculty for Shakti School and runs courses on her platform and Her course for One Commune launched October 2022. She has spoken for Ted-X, the Chopra Center, and Google, just to name a few. You can also find her on over two dozen podcasts and as a consultant many brands. 

Discount Description::
NIDHI10 for 10% off!

Course Registration URL::

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7:30 AM07:30

Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist

Course Topic:
TIA (Topics in Ayurveda) = 7 PACE Credits
TIS (Topics in Sister-Sciences) = 3 PACE Credits

Course Description:
While we may think of psychotherapy as a relatively new field, dating back perhaps to the mid-1800's, ancient psychotherapeutic references are abundant in Āyurvedic texts reaching back as far as the Buddha and were a core part of his teachings. The three earliest compendiums of Ayurveda divide medical interventions into 8 specific fields including psychotherapy.

As it is turning out, much of the cutting edge advances in thinking and treatment in the field are beginning to align and validate much of what was taught in 400 BC in ancient India!Our minds, incredibly complex, are too often seen as a science project and not as individual works of art; reflecting our feelings, thoughts, and emotional states. They act as the lenses through which we experience both our world and ourselves.

Psychology, the study of the mind, is most useful when seen as an art form. Specifically the art of creating a healthy, happy and fulfilling life, full of wonder and joy. When we see the art in today's psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, psychosomatics, we see how we ourselves function beyond being just computational objects. Individual expressions that have undergone stressors that then move us, at least in our minds and often in our social minds, into pathologies and diseases. This is, more often than we like to acknowledge, exaggerating our distressing situations into what we imagine them to be: full blown pathologies. Or at least experiencing them that way till they become that. We forget that the answers lie in changing our relationship with our minds into one of love, compassion, kindness and equanimity rather than the fear and loathing we usually harbor towards it and that causes us to keep stuffing it with thoughts, ideas, beliefs and tasks so we never have to be alone with it.

And this is what is also missing in our relationships with each other. Ayurveda teaches us that healing our own minds is actually a service to our world. At Registration, please enter that you are a NAMA Member and your Membership number. You will receive a discounted price and PACE credits for attending the session live or by completing each session within 2 weeks of that session and submitting that you have done so. If you have not attended Live, you will be required to take a simple test to confirm you have watched the On Demand recording.

Course Objectives::
•Learn about helpful herbs, formulas, treatments. Explore the basic structure of Ayurvedic Psychiatry: the world of nature's apothecary.
•Learn how to seek divine intervention through powerful mantras, ceremonies, refined instincts of the heart, and service to others, as the divine Psychology.
•Learn how we use counseling to invoke our higher thinking processes, the positive ones that pacify our emotional body and activate emotional intelligence, through Sattavajaya Cikitsa, the Victory of Truth.
•Learn how to use all limbs of yoga as Ayurvedic psychosomatic practices to refine our relationship with our bodies and physiology as therapy for the Mind.

Name (s) of Faculty Member (s):
Arun Deva

Provider/Faculty Bio:
Arun Deva, DASc, AP-NAMA, AYT, E-RYT500, C-IAYT is a NAMA certified Ayurvedic Practitioner and Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist, IAYT-Certified Yoga Therapist, a Yoga Alliance certified Vinyasa Krama Yoga teacher, and a graduate of the American Institute Of Ayurveda. The founder of Arunachala Yoga & Ayurveda, Arun has had the pleasure of serving on the Boards of both the National and State Ayurvedic Associations, NAMA and CAAM, and he headed NAMA’s Committee for Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy, seeing it through to its fruition. Arun teaches internationally, lectures at Conferences, and writes articles for different publications, including the peer review Ayurveda Journal of Health. He has been featured on both radio and television, and he continues to teach the Ayurveda and Yoga modules for various Teacher Training Programs around the world. Arun's clinic for Ayurvedic consultations and Ayurvedic yoga therapy is available online and in person in Los Angeles/West Hollywood. Born in India, where he began his studies as a child, Arun has made his home in Los Angeles since 1977. He can be reached at yogarasayana.com

Cost for the full class is $280. 25% discount to all NAMA members (additional $30.00 off early bird discount if sign up by October 9th)

Course Dates:
October 1st - January 1st 2023

Start Time:
On Demand

End Time:
On Demand

Course Dates:
October 1st - January 1st 2023

Start Time:
On demand

End Time:
On demand

Course Registration URL::

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to Dec 10

Ayurvedic Psychology

Course Topic:
TIA (Topics in Ayurveda)= 7 PACE Credits
TIS (Topics in Sister-Sciences)= 3 PACE Credits

Course Delivery Method.:
On Demand

Course Description:
While we may think of psychotherapy as a relatively new field, dating back perhaps to the mid-1800's, ancient psychotherapeutic references are abundant in Āyurvedic texts reaching back as far as the Buddha and were a core part of his teachings. The three earliest compendiums of Ayurveda divide medical interventions into 8 specific fields including psychotherapy. As it is turning out, much of the cutting edge advances in thinking and treatment in the field are beginning to align and validate much of what was taught in 400 BC in ancient India!Our minds, incredibly complex, are too often seen as a science project and not as individual works of art; reflecting our feelings, thoughts, and emotional states.

They act as the lenses through which we experience both our world and ourselves. Psychology, the study of the mind, is most useful when seen as an art form. Specifically the art of creating a healthy, happy and fulfilling life, full of wonder and joy. When we see the art in today's psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, psychosomatics, we see how we ourselves function beyond being just computational objects. Individual expressions that have undergone stressors that then move us, at least in our minds and often in our social minds, into pathologies and diseases.

This is, oftener than we like to acknowledge, exaggerating our distressing situations into what we imagine them to be: full blown pathologies. Or at least experiencing them that way till they become that. We forget that the answers lie in changing our relationship with our minds into one of love, compassion, kindness and equanimity rather than the fear and loathing we usually harbor towards it and that causes us to keep stuffing it with thoughts, ideas, beliefs and tasks so we never have to be alone with it. And this is what is also missing in our relationships with each other.

Ayurveda teaches us that healing our own minds is actually a service to our world. At Registration, please enter that you are a NAMA Member and your Membership number. You will receive a discounted price and PACE credits for attending the session live or by completing each session within 2 weeks of that session and submitting that you have done so. If you have not attended Live, you will be required to take a simple test to confirm you have watched the On Demand recording.

Course Objectives::
•Learn about helpful herbs, formulas, treatments. Explore the basic structure of Ayurvedic Psychiatry: the world of nature's apothecary.
•Learn how to seek divine intervention through powerful mantras, ceremonies, refined instincts of the heart, and service to others, as the divine Psychology.
•Learn how we use counseling to invoke our higher thinking processes, the positive ones that pacify our emotional body and activate emotional intelligence, through Sattavajaya Cikitsa, the Victory of Truth.
•Learn how to use all limbs of yoga as Ayurvedic psychosomatic practices to refine our relationship with our bodies and physiology as therapy for the Mind.

Name (s) of Faculty Member (s):
Arun Deva

Provider/Faculty Bio:
Arun Deva, DASc, AP-NAMA, AYT, E-RYT500, C-IAYT is a NAMA certified Ayurvedic Practitioner and Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist, IAYT-Certified Yoga Therapist, a Yoga Alliance certified Vinyasa Krama Yoga teacher, and a graduate of the American Institute Of Ayurveda. The founder of Arunachala Yoga & Ayurveda, Arun has had the pleasure of serving on the Boards of both the National and State Ayurvedic Associations, NAMA and CAAM, and he headed NAMA’s Committee for Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy, seeing it through to its fruition. Arun teaches internationally, lectures at Conferences, and writes articles for different publications, including the peer review Ayurveda Journal of Health. He has been featured on both radio and television, and he continues to teach the Ayurveda and Yoga modules for various Teacher Training Programs around the world. Arun's clinic for Ayurvedic consultations and Ayurvedic yoga therapy is available online and in person in Los Angeles/West Hollywood. Born in India, where he began his studies as a child, Arun has made his home in Los Angeles since 1977. He can be reached at yogarasayana.com

Course Dates:
October 1st - January 1st 2023

Start Time:
on demand

End Time:
on demand

Course Registration URL:

Discount Description::
Cost for the full class is $280.
25% discount to all NAMA members (additional $30.00 off early bird discount if sign up by October 9th)

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to Jul 8


Phytomedica is a series of 12 educational modules that consist of a review of the different physiological systems of the body; a review of the etiology, pathology and diagnosis of selected diseases within each system; and, an overview of the various modalities used in the treatment of these diseases, including biomedical, Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, Unani medicine, Western herbal medicine, and clinical nutrition. 

Phytomedica provides the aspiring clinician a detailed, practical review of health and disease, with a focus on integrating biomedical and complementary/natural medicine approaches.

Course Dates/Times:
Phytomedica is a self-paced program that runs over a three year period, consisting of six semesters. Students meet with the teacher on a weekly basis over these six semesters during the spring (April-June) and fall (Oct-Dec).

Total Hours of Coursework:
Phytomedica is comprised of 30 prerecorded classes that run for a total of 120 hours, in addition to approximately 108 hours of weekly Live Q&A sessions, webinars run over six semesters, to total approximately 228 hours of online training. This does not include individual study time and course work including assessment, which adds another 50-100 hours of course work, depending on the student.

Faculty Member & Bio:
Phytomedica is developed and taught by Todd Caldecott, DipClH, RH(AHG), CAP(NAMA), director of the Dogwood School of Botanical Medicine, and author of several books including Food As Medicine: The Theory and Practice of Food. Todd Caldecott has been in clinical practice since 1997.

PACE: Topics in Wellness = 10 CE’s
Course Schedule: On Demand

Course Registration Link: https://dogwoodbotanical.com/product/phytomedica/

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