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Ayurvedic Body Treatments Certification Course

  • Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat Paradise Island Nassau Bahamas (map)

Topics in Ayurveda: 38 PACE Credits
Topics in Sister Sciences (e.g., Yoga, Jyotish, Vastu): 15 PACE Credits

Course Description:
Learn Ayurvedic body treatments.A comprehensive training in how to give and receive traditional oil massage(abhyanga), pouring warm oil over the forehead(shirodhara), and how to introduce oil into the nasal passages(nasya). Topics include the history and philosophy of Ayurveda, the three great qualities, five elements, 10 pairs of qualities and the three doshas, tissue formation(dhatus),channels of the bodily system, digestion,(agni) toxin formation(ama),waste elimination(malas), Ayurvedic and yogic psychology and how disease processes can be treated with Ayurvedic bodywork.

Course Objectives:
Understand basic principles of Ayurveda - history, philosophy, three doshas,five elements, 10 pairs of opposites. Give a Bliss Therapy treatment including traditional oil massage(abhyanga), and shirodhara(the pouring of warm oil over the forehead(shirodhara) and be able to introduce oil into the nasal passages(nasya).

Name (s) of Faculty Member (s):
Denise Chapman Mary Ann Johnson

Provider/Faculty Bio:
Vidya (Denise Chapman) is a certified Sivananda Yoga Instructor since 2002, Ayurvedic Practitioner(CAP NAMA), licensed massage therapist, panchakarma therapist and a graduate of Dr. Vasant Lad’s Ayurvedic Institute. She is passionate about integrating Vedic sciences, teaching yoga, and sharing Ayurveda for well-being. She is the director of Ayurvedic Studies at Ananda Ashram in Monroe, NY.

Isvari (Mary Ann Johnson) has been a sincere and dedicated practitioner of Ayurveda and yoga for more than 20 years. She is an advanced Sivananda Yoga teacher and a graduate of Dr. Vasant Lad’s Ayurvedic Institute, where she is on the faculty. Isvari travels internationally, lecturing, consulting, and facilitating panchakarma purification programs. She is the director of Ayurveda at the Sivananda Yoga Ranch.

Course Delivery Method:
Live (In Person)
Live In Person Address:
Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat, Paradise Island

Course Start Date:
April 25, 2024

Start Time:
12 noon

Course End Date:
May 4, 2024

End Time:
3:00 PM

Course Registration URL:

Earlier Event: April 22
Samadhi Marma for Self Care
Later Event: May 28
Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis