National Ayurvedic Medical Association

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Announcing DEI Conscious Conversations | Join Us June 9

NAMA’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee is thrilled to announce the launch of Conscious Conversations, a NAMA community town hall–style event on subjects that are vitally important to us all. DEI invites you to engage in these conversations to listen, learn, contribute, and actively create positive change. We will explore questions/topics like these:

  • What does it mean to be inclusive?

  • How do we celebrate diversity and build social cohesion and harmony?

  • What can we learn from each other as we move toward creating a more inclusive culture and where and how can we do this?

    • Organization (NAMA)

    • Practice as Ayurveda practitioners

    • Ayurveda focused businesses and schools

    • Communities

Join us for these conversations that will help us all collectively raise our social consciousness and foster connections with one another.

What Are DEI Conscious Conversations? 

Conscious Conversations will collectively explore the landscape of diversity, equity, inclusion within NAMA and our Ayurvedic community. They are an opportunity to ask questions, share stories, and learn from each other about the elements, processes and opportunities of creating change together. 

Our hope is to support NAMA members in understanding what diversity, equity, and inclusion mean, look, and feel like for those living, studying, and practicing Ayurveda in the world today. We want to create a safe space for asking questions and sharing experiences in a supportive and intentional container of community. Participating in Conscious Conversations is an opportunity to take steps toward bringing about the change we wish to see in the world. 


When Do We Begin?

Join us June 9 at 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time for a Conscious Conversation about 


We’ve invited Ramkumar Kutty, BAMS; Robert Svoboda, BAMS; and Claudia Welch, DOM; joint authors of a November 2021 article entitledAppropriation in Ayurveda, to join us in our exploration of this theme.

We would highly recommend reading this article before the talk.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear their thoughts and questions and share your own! We will have ample time for Q&A and discussion. This event is open to all NAMA members and professional members may earn 2 PACE credits for attending the full session.