Ayurveda: Evidence Based Integrative Medicine

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Each year our board, committee, staff, and volunteers work diligently to bring an annual event that delivers an abundance of valuable tools and education to NAMA members and the community at large

This conference will provide health practitioners with an understanding of the role of Ayurvedic medicine in fostering wellness and managing disease, based on historical evidence from classical Ayurvedic texts as well as modern research.

Presentations will draw from the four methodologies that Ayurveda recognizes as valid approaches to gathering reliable evidence: direct experience, research, experimentation, and traditional textual evidence. As a comprehensive medical system that combines detailed preventative strategies, lifestyle and diet guidance, and disease management protocols, Ayurveda promises to not only enhance and complement both mainstream medical care and other alternative health care modalities but also answer today’s growing demand for individualized treatment. 

The conference will showcase reliable evidence of the effective application of Ayurveda within the mainstream health care system.  

40 Presenters in 4 Days

2021 Ayurvedic Conference
2021 Ayurvedic Conference
2021 Ayurvedic Conference
2021 Ayurvedic Conference
2021 Ayurvedic Conference