Participation in the NAMACB board certification exams remains a critical component of the growth of the Ayurvedic profession and the advancement of graduates to Professional Membership at the Ayurvedic Health Counselor (AHC) and Ayurvedic Practitioner (AP) levels. We want you to know that despite the limitations imposed by COVID-19, there are exam slots available in August/September for qualified applicants to take the AHC and the AP exams from their home computer.
Due to the financial constraints associated with COVID-19, the NAMACB is offering a 20% discount on the exam through December 31, 2020.
We urge Professional Members who are supervising new graduates and those of you who have newly graduated colleagues to let these potential exam candidates know about this opportunity.
The many of you in our General Membership who are qualified to sit for the exam may also want to consider if this might be the right time for you to take it!
If you have any questions, please contact us at the following address: