NAMA's Board of Directors Begins New Term

As of November 1, 2022, NAMA is pleased to announce our four new or re-elected board members, who will each serve a three-year term extending to October 31, 2025.

Jayarajan Kodikannath, BSc, BAMS, AD, AYT, and Heather L. Grzych, CAP, have both been re-elected and Sushma Jakkula, BAMS, AD, and Rucha Kelkar, PT, BAMS, AD, AYT, DPT will join as new members. See the entire Board of DIrectors here →

We would also like to extend our deep thanks to the two members who have stepped off NAMA’s Board of Directors: Petra Neiger, CAP, and Dhanada Kulkarni, BAMS AD. Thank you for your service and dedication to NAMA. They will join the ranks of our Past Board Members →

The board will work to continue growing and establishing the structure of what it means to be an Ayurvedic professional, while expanding partnerships with donors and sponsoring organizations, yet also focusing on reasonable, balanced operations that will ensure NAMA can continue to exist for the Ayurvedic profession. Much work lies ahead.