As always, the NAMA Annual Conference registration includes several opportunities to connect mind and body with yoga and meditation. This year, we are offering two sessions on both Saturday and Sunday mornings. We will be led by Nishita Shah, CAP, Kamalesh Ginger Hooven, CAP, and Larry Redhouse. See their bios and read about the morning yoga and meditation sessions on the Presentations page and the Conference Schedule.
yoga & Meditation sessions
Saturday, April 23 | 6:45 - 7:45 AM | Nishita Shah, CAP
Come and join this 1-hour all-levels class taught in the lineage of Vasant Lad BAMS, MASc. We will explore as asana practice with an Ayurvedic lens. This class will include pranayama, asana, and meditation to get you going for the rest of the day!
Sunday, April 24 | 6:45 - 7:45 AM | Kamalesh Ginger Hooven, CAP
Join like-minded seekers and prepare for your journey home. Begin the day with gentle vata-reducing asana, move into balancing the prana vayus with the Four Purifications (as taught by Baba Hari Dass) and complete the practice with a short panchamahabhuta meditation.
Saturday, April 23 and Sunday, April 24 | 7:00 - 7:45 AM | Larry Redhouse
Mitakuye Oyasin (Mee-Tah-Kay Awe-Sin) is a traditional Native American ceremony and unique Sonoran Desert experience. Welcoming a higher perspective into your life should be on everyone's list of important things to do.The ancient people accomplished this via the warming sunrise, the Native American Flute, burning a sage prayer tie and an eagle feather blessing. Begin each day by reflecting on the connection we all have with nature and each other, finding focus and creating lasting memories. In a ritual that is centuries old, you will have the opportunity to make your intentions known to the universe through the traditional burning of sage. Experience this morning ritual and discover "Mitakuye Oyasin." This session is offered by the JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort.
Reminder: If traveling to Arizona will not be possible for you, we’ve also developed a Virtual Conference Day on Saturday, April 23! Learn more →