Latest Article Publication - Ayurvedic Nutrition: Food as Medicine

ayurvedic nutrition: food as medicine NAMA

by Anuradha Gupta, CAP, MBA, YT-200

“Pathye sati gadartasya kimaushadhanishevanaih
Pathye-asati gadartasya kimaushadhanishevanaih

— Vaidyajivanam

With a wholesome diet there is no need for separate medical treatment;
with an unwholesome diet, even treatment becomes questionable.

In Ayurveda, food is considered mahabhaisajya, the most superior medicine. This is true for both prevention of disease and disease management. Food is poornabrahma, which satiates the mind, body, and spirit. An important mechanism encompassed within Ayurveda is epigenetics, whereby gene expressions can be upregulated or downregulated as needed to restore balance through proper management of diet, digestion, lifestyle, behavior, stress, and environmental factors. This, in turn, can have a transgenerational impact. 

This approach to healthcare is highly relevant in today’s world where lifestyle-based disorders abound, and we are inundated with processed and convenience food. An apple often costs more than a bag of chips!