Sponsor Ayurveda Day and Get Your Business Noticed

Looking for an opportunity to get your brand, business, service, or organization noticed by NAMA’s audience of 25k+?

NAMA’s Ayurveda Day Summit is less than three weeks away! Inquire today about Sponsorship Opportunities for our upcoming event, Yoga and Ayurveda: Appreciating the Essence of Vedic Wisdom in the Noise of Modern Life.

There are three different levels of sponsorship, all with benefits at the live event (get featured on Sunday, October 23), as well as on-going exposure throughout the year. Click the image below for a downloadable PDF version of our Sponsorship Opportunities.

Inaugural Grand Rounds Coming November 1

Tuesday, November 1, 2022
4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time
See event page →

As NAMA continues to grow, we are proud to present a new offering that we hope and expect you will come to cherish as much as our Seminars in Ayurveda. The BAMS Task Force is pleased to invite you to NAMA’s Grand Rounds, a webinar for NAMA members designed to deliver an authentic Ayurvedic case presentation and clinical discussion in an interactive online format.

This event is open to NAMA members only. All member levels are invited and encouraged to attend. Registration Required.

Immerse yourself in an in-depth exploration of two case presentations to gain practical understanding of samprapti (pathogenesis) and management of annavaha srotas vyadhi (gastrointestinal disorders) presented by esteemed Vaidya-Scientist Namyata Pathak, AD, BAMS, MD (Ayu), VSF, and Vaidya Priyanka Ingle-Jadhav, AD, BAMS, PhD. The event will be moderated by Dr. Rucha Kelkar, PT, DPT, BAMS, AD, and followed by a live question and answer period. 

Grand Rounds have been frequently and traditionally used to expand learning in clinical medicine. Do not miss this inaugural event! 

NAMA Professional Members will automatically receive two (2) PACE credits for attending the entire session. Please include the email address associated with your membership on the registration form to help NAMA apply your earned credits as quickly as possible.

We look forward to your joining us.

NAMA’s BAMS Task Force

(pictured, left to right)
Rucha Kelkar, Chair, PT, DPT, BAMS, AD AYT
Dhanada Kulkarni, BAMS, AD
Madison Madden, AD
Monika Manohar, BAMS, AD
Purvi Vyas, BAMS, MD (Ayu), PhD (Ayu), AD
Rasika Sonaji, BAMS, AD
Sheena Sooraj, BAMS, AD
Vandana Baranwal, BAMS, MD (Ayu), AD

New Affiliate Member: AUM

NAMA would like to welcome our newest Affiliate Organizational member the Ayurveda Union of Midwest (AUM). AUM aims to enable state-level chapters in Midwestern states and promote Ayurveda awareness across the Midwest. We are delighted to have them join our growing community of Affiliate Organizations. Check their website for more information, to see their upcoming events, and for details about membership.

Welcome to NAMA's New Executive Director, Lucia Gutierrez

As our long-serving Executive Director, Hilary Garivaltis, embarks upon her own next chapter in early October, she will be handing over the directorship to Lucia Gutierrez, PhD.

Lucia rose to the top of the list of candidates over the last several months as the Board of Directors conducted the search. She comes with a strong background in association management and working with nonprofits boards and volunteers. Coincidentally, she is also a student and champion of Ayurveda. Lucia is so excited to take on this new role and looks forward to getting to know all of you. She understands the history of NAMA and is prepared to move us forward toward our goals and aspirations as a community.

Now is the perfect time for a new leader to come in and prepare NAMA for the next phase of its efforts to foster the growth of Ayurveda and the Ayurvedic profession in the U.S. Helping our professionals build strong and stable practices will be one of Lucia’s focal areas, and she will need your support and help along the way. There will continue to be volunteer opportunities for you to become part of the team, and Lucia will be there to encourage your participation. You can reach Lucia at lucia@ayurvedanama.org.

Thank You and Farewell to Hilary Garivaltis

Hilary Garivaltis, who has served as the Executive Director for the last 7 years, will be stepping down from her position at the end of this month. On behalf of NAMA’s Board of Directors, I’d like to express our gratitude and appreciation for the major contributions she has made to our organization, and to the entire Ayurvedic profession, by serving in various positions at NAMA over the course of more than 17 years.

Hilary served as a volunteer on pivotal NAMA committees for 10 years before becoming Executive Director. Her goals during her 7 years in that role were to establish a strong membership organization, a certification board, and an accreditation council. Well, here we are, and all these pieces are now in place. Hilary will continue to volunteer at NAMA and other organizations dedicated to advancing Ayurveda. She leaves feeling confident that NAMA is in great hands. 

We would like you to join us celebrating her accomplishments in these roles and wishing her success in her future endeavors. Hilary will be available and is happy to have conversations anytime. Don’t be strangers. Stay in touch. Her personal email is hgarivaltis@gmail.com.

Jayarajan Kodikannath, BAMS, AD
NAMA President

Latest Article Publication - Ayurvedic Nutrition: Food as Medicine

ayurvedic nutrition: food as medicine NAMA

by Anuradha Gupta, CAP, MBA, YT-200

“Pathye sati gadartasya kimaushadhanishevanaih
Pathye-asati gadartasya kimaushadhanishevanaih

— Vaidyajivanam

With a wholesome diet there is no need for separate medical treatment;
with an unwholesome diet, even treatment becomes questionable.

In Ayurveda, food is considered mahabhaisajya, the most superior medicine. This is true for both prevention of disease and disease management. Food is poornabrahma, which satiates the mind, body, and spirit. An important mechanism encompassed within Ayurveda is epigenetics, whereby gene expressions can be upregulated or downregulated as needed to restore balance through proper management of diet, digestion, lifestyle, behavior, stress, and environmental factors. This, in turn, can have a transgenerational impact. 

This approach to healthcare is highly relevant in today’s world where lifestyle-based disorders abound, and we are inundated with processed and convenience food. An apple often costs more than a bag of chips!

Introducing NAMA’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee

Living & Practicing Our Values

NAMA DEI is excited to share what we’re up to and offer tools and support for members looking to make a proactive commitment to upholding the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion in their lives and work! Because Ayurveda is for EVERYONE.

NAMA’s Diversity Equity & Inclusion Committee (DEI) is a dynamic group of volunteers who are passionate about building awareness within the Ayurvedic community around vitally important issues of equity and accessibility and underscoring the role of compassion that sits at the very heart of the philosophy and practice of Ayurveda. 

The roots of the committee were planted in 2020 following the murder of George Floyd. The NAMA Board of Directors authorized the committee’s formation, and the initial members came together to organize a comprehensive DEI training for the NAMA community. Their work was not easy. I want to acknowledge every member of that original committee for their passion and dedication. 

Their work laid the foundation for the work we will do moving forward. The current incarnation of NAMA DEI is equally enthusiastic and committed to raising awareness and encouraging action amongst NAMA members and beyond. 

To that end, we are creating member events such as our Conscious Conversation series, inviting YOU into conversations on topics such as cultural appropriation and how to make your practices more inclusive and accessible. We are also working quietly in the background with industry leaders and within our own organization to help drive a cultural shift toward increased recognition and support of the marginalized among us. 

As DEI’s Committee Chair, I want to personally invite you to join us in embracing the work of awareness and action beginning right where you are. We’ll send monthly email updates about our work and share resources to help you fully integrate the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion into all your endeavors.

Thanks so much for listening and for your commitment to building an Ayurvedic community that embraces and supports all.


Chara Caruthers, CAP, Chair
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee

Conscious Conversations: Cultural Appropriation in Ayurveda, Part 2

Tuesday, September 27, 2022
3:00 - 4:30 p.m. Pacific Time
This event is open to NAMA members only.
Registration Required.

Yoga and Ayurveda: FAQs and More Details

Yoga and Ayurveda: Appreciating the Essence of Vedic Wisdom in the Noise of Modern Life

Sunday, October 23, 2022 | 9 am - 12:30 pm (Pacific)

Each year, NAMA celebrates the historic significance of Ayurveda as one of the world’s oldest models of natural, holistic healthcare by hosting an Ayurveda Day Summit. This year, eight renowned Ayurvedic professionals will explore the theme live in two, 1.5 hour panel sessions on Sunday, October 23, 2022.


Here are a handful of the frequently asked questions that have come up over the past few weeks:

do i need to be an ayurvedic professional to attend?

No, this event is open to all and the material will be accessible to anyone with or without a background in Yoga and Ayurveda. That said, our facilitators and panelists are leading experts in the field so there may be an opportunity to dive deeper into this fascinating topic if time and interest permit.

what is the Registration fee?

Registration for this event is based on a pay-what-you-can scale. Your donation, at any level, helps NAMA continue to preserve, protect, and promote Ayurveda for the benefit of all beings. Please consider a larger donation to attend this event, if you are able, and know that your contribution allows us to create more programs and events to share with our community.

what if i have a question for the panel?

Wonderful! Bring your question(s) to the live event. There will time for Q&A at the end of each panel so you will have the opportunity to join the conversation.

the time doesn’t work for me, will i get a recording?

Yes, all registered attendees will have access to the Ayurveda Day Summit recording on the NAMA website for two weeks. Access instructions and details will be provided by email after the event has concluded.

if I’m a professional member, will I earn any pace credits for attending?

Of course! NAMA Professional Members can earn up to four (4) PACE credits for attending the entire event: two (2) credits in TOPICS IN AYURVEDA and two (2) credits in TOPICS IN SISTER SCIENCES.

Are there still any sponsorship opportunities available?

Yes, and we’d love to discuss a partnership with you. Check out our newly-updated Sponsorship Opportunities page and get in touch!


Exciting Fall Events from Our Affiliate Organizations

In addition to NAMA’s own Ayurveda Day Summit (Yoga and Ayurveda), our State and Affiliate Organizations are offering incredible opportunities to study and share Ayurveda in the coming months. From full weekend conferences to mantra chanting, there are live and virtual options from around the world. Click the links below or check out their websites for all the details. See you there!

The Colorado Ayurvedic Medical Association (COLORAMA) is organizing its Annual Conference:

Ayurveda & Integrative Approaches to Mental Health

October 8-9, 2022 | Boulder, Colorado

We invite you to accompany us as we unite ayurvedic professionals and supporters of Colorado for two days of community and insight. Soak in the fresh mountain air and dive deep into applications of this ancient knowledge on contemporary topics.

NAMA Professional Members: be sure to mention your membership status for a conference discount!

The Ayurveda Practitioner Association (APA), based in the United Kingdom, is hosting the following two webinars:

Ayurveda for Long-Covid Recovery
with Dr Ghanashyam Marda BAMS, MD (Ayur), PhD.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022 | 5.30 pm - 7 pm BST

This webinar aims to share information about Ayurvedic health protocols that address the complications of LONG COVID. Dr Marda will highlight how to support individuals through the LONG COVID and help them restore respiratory functions, reduce anxiety and increase their quality of life.


Ayurveda for Modern Parenting
with Vaidya. Jayarajan Kodikannath

Tuesday, October 11, 2022 | 5.30 pm - 7 pm BST

Ayurveda, being the science of life, provides not only a comprehensive guide to a healthy child, but there are detailed principles and practices on how parents can support the child for optimal physical, mental and emotional growth and development. The goal is to groom the child into a healthy, happy, intelligent adult with awareness and to identify and nurture unique talents. Join this APA Webinar with Vaidya. Jayarajan Kodikannath to learn how the traditional teaching of Ayurveda can be effectively implemented in modern parenting.

The Ayurveda Association of Wisconsin (AAW) has two opportunities to gather in September and October:

The Ayurvedic Approach to Yoga
with Heather Burkart, CAP, E-RYT 200

Wednesday, September 21, 2022
6:30 - 7:30 PM Central Time

Discover how Ayurveda can enhance Yoga practice and the many ways Yoga can be practiced off of the mat for everyday wellness in this donation-based offering.

Chanting for World Peace
with Raka Bandyo, CAP

Sunday, October 23, 2022
9:00 - 10:00 AM Central Time

In celebration of Ayurveda Day and Dhanvantari Jayantī, the Ayurveda Association of Wisconsin is proud to present this donation-based offering welcoming all to explore and chant the Gāyatrī and the Mahāmṛtyuñjaya mantras for world peace.

The Global Council for Ayurveda Research has a request for all Ayurveda Professionals of any and all levels, anywhere in the world. Please take this very short Code of Ethics needs assessment survey, developed by Global Council for Ayurveda Research: https://forms.gle/6mTw9AgZcHmZvPhH7

They will also be celebrating Ayurveda Day with a free event:

World Ayurveda Day 2022 Celebration:
Ayurveda for Global Healthcare

Sunday, October 30, 2022
10:00 - 11:30 AM Eastern Time

With its strong emphasis on personalized and preventative health and wellness, Ayurveda is emerging as one of the most promising systems of health to model world healthcare systems on. Join us for this FREE EVENT.

The Ayurveda Association of Florida (AAF) invites you to their annual conference this November:

Join us for this in-person only event at the Warren Willis Conference and Retreat Center in Fruitland Park, Florida (about an hour northwest of Orlando). The site is on 300 acres of lakefront property, with plenty of nature and on-site accommodations. We have a great lineup of presentations and panel discussions this year. Meals are included.

The Texas Ayurveda Professional Association (TAPAS) will be hosting a full-day VEDA MELA 2022 event on October 29, 2022 in Houston, Texas. NAMA Professional Members: be sure to mention your membership for a conference discount! You can earn up to 12 PACE credits for this event.

Integrative Insights in Ayurvedic Medicine and Vedic Sciences

Saturday, October 29, 2022
7:00 AM - 7:00 PM

TAPAS VEDA MELA is a celebration of Ayurveda and other Vedic Science like Astrology, Arts, Dance & Music. Our goal is to bring together bright minds to celebrate wisdom of Vedas, and on a wide range of subjects, to foster learning, inspiration, and wonder – and provoke conversations to benefit our organizers and all participants.

Remember, you can always visit NAMA’s Find An Affiliate Organization page to learn more about all of our affiliate and state organizations and see all of their upcoming events, programs and conferences!

NAMA's 2023 Sponsorship Opportunities are here!

We are delighted to share our 2023 Sponsorship Opportunities with you!

The 2023 Sponsorship Opportunities have been updated and expanded, with a focus on providing valuable benefits and exposure for the Ayurvedic businesses and organizations that support NAMA. Sponsorship levels include opportunities to support both Special Events (such as our upcoming Ayurveda Day Summit: Yoga and Ayurveda, Seminars in Ayurveda, and Member Mingles) as well as the Annual Conference. Benefits include features at live events as well as on-going exposure throughout the year.

We are currently accepting applications for our upcoming Ayurveda Day Summit, Monthly Seminars in Ayurveda, and Monthly Member Mingles. The 19th Annual Conference Sponsorship applications are NOW OPEN BY PRE-SALE to offer priority access to our top past sponsors. These opportunities will open to the public on November 22.

Spaces will fill quickly so don’t miss this opportunity to share your brand with our growing audience of Ayurvedic professionals, students, and supporters.