The Stanford CARE Abstract Request

The Stanford CARE – Center for Asian Health Research and Education, would like to invite members of the Ayurvedic community to submit an abstract to be featured on their website. 2 finalists will be chosen to present at their conference on March 6th, 2020.Deadline for abstracts is January 15, 2021.

See Full Request Here

Submit Abstract Here

Become an Annual Sponsor

Let’s work together to shape the future of Ayurveda!

We are looking for sponsors to help make our 2020 Annual conference a truly special for our community. If you are an Ayurvedically-focused business, your involvement will give your organization visibility in front of an informed audience who will appreciate being able to become familiar with your products or offerings.

This year we are offer some great opportunities for our sponsors. We have six sponsorship levels for your company to choose from, with benefits that last beyond the event. Sponsorship is on a first-come first-serve basis, and spaces fill up quickly. We invite you to take a look and reach out to us if you have any questions.

Invitation to Present: Stanford Conference on Evidence Based Traditional Asian Medicine

NAMA Member: 

The Stanford Center for Asian Health Research and Education has reached out to NAMA seeking Ayurvedic professionals who would like to present at its Stanford Conference on Evidence Based Traditional Asian Medicine. Their invitation to you is below. The deadline for abstract submissions is December 1, 2020. We hope those of you who have conducted research will apply to present your findings. We know you will represent Ayurveda well. 

Hilary Garivaltis
Executive Director

Invitation for Presenters

Stanford Center for Asian Health Research and Education 

On behalf of the Stanford Center for Asian Health Research and Education (CARE), we would like to invite you to submit a proposal for a presentation for the first virtual Stanford Conference on Evidence Based Traditional Asian Medicine (ETAM) to be held March 4 – 6, 2021, from 4:00 p.m.  7:00 p.m. Pacific Time.

With increasing interest in integrating healing traditions into the practice of medicine, we seek to share the best in evidence supporting the use of these longstanding traditions in promoting health. We seek to foster dialogue and learning and to identify and prioritize areas for further research and development.

The conference will focus three areas of interest:

  • Nutrition for preventing and controlling chronic diseases

  • Pain management, particularly low back pain

  • Mental health, especially depression

We seek dynamic, engaged, and knowledgeable speakers to share their knowledge and participate in question and answer sessions with our attendees.

Attendees will represent a wide spectrum of health practitioners from a range of health traditions from South and East Asia as well as Western medicine. The audience will also feature a diversity of prior experience and knowledge regarding traditional Asian medicine.

  • Deadline for abstract submission: December 1, 2020

  • Notification date: January 15, 2021

  • Please send inquiries to: Neeta Gautam

This conference is made possible by a generous donation from the Chi-Li Pao USA Foundation.

CARE was founded with the mission of improving the health of Asians through increasing knowledge and empowering education. Through funding innovative research, educating promising scholars, and community outreach, CARE is committed to improving healthcare both locally and globally. Stanford University is located in the heart of the San Francisco Bay Area, an incredibly rich and diverse region where 58% of the population belongs to a minority group.

Professional Research Survey Request

Dear NAMA Professional Member,

The Ayurveda Department at the Southern California University of Health Sciences is conducting a survey on how Ayurveda is being practiced during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. If you have been practicing, we would love to hear from you and get your perspective on Ayurveda's use as a health promotion tool in the U.S. To complete the survey, please visit this link.  

We would also deeply appreciate it if you would forward this survey immediately to any Ayurvedic professional you know who is practicing in the United States.

The survey results will indicate if Ayurveda has played a role in health promotion in the U.S. during the COVID-19 pandemic. We intend to present the findings at national and international conferences and also publish the results in an international journal. We will also share the results with NAMA. 

We plan to close the survey by November 25, 2020.

Thank you very much,

S. Prasad Vinjamury, AD, BAMS, MD(Ayu), DACM, MPH, and
Jennifer Noborikawa, DACM, L.Ac

Exam Cost Discount Ends Soon!

Are you looking to become a NAMACB  board-certified Ayurvedic professional and take advantage of the discounted price for the exam? If yes, please act quickly. Due to the pandemic, the Ayurvedic Health Counselor Exam has been discounted to $300 (versus $375) and the Ayurvedic Practitioner Exam to $360 (versus $450). The discounted prices for the exams end 12/31/2020, but there are steps that you must take before you are eligible to pay for your exam. We encourage you to begin the process now. 

The application process has three parties involved: you, your school, and NAMACB staff. The process begins with an application and a $75 nonrefundable deposit. You also need to request that your school upload your transcripts to the NAMACB. After your transcripts are uploaded, NAMACB staff reviews your materials to determine if you are qualified to sit for the exam. It is only then that you may pay for the full cost of your exam. 

If you would like to take advantage of the discount, please begin the process now. Applying is merely the first step. 

Exam Application Process 

1.     Apply to qualify for the exam. Includes a $75 nonrefundable deposit (you).

2.     Have your school upload your transcripts (school).

3.     Staff reviews your application and transcripts (staff).

4.     If qualified to sit for the exam, staff sends you an exam registration invoice (staff).

5.    Pay invoice (you)

o   Pay by 12/31/2020 to be eligible for the discount.

o   Note: If you have graduated, you may complete Step 1, above, by 12/31/20, but you must pay the remaining exam fee in full by 1/31/2021 to be eligible for the discount.

6.     Staff will email you instructions to schedule your exam (staff).

Please make sure you give yourself enough time to complete all steps in time.

Most exams around the world are still being administered through Online Proctoring (OLP) from the comfort of your home. All exams remain proctored. For more details about OLP or for general information about the exam, please visit the NAMACB’s Exams FAQ page.

Begin the exam process here

If you have questions, please reach out to Arya at the NAMACB.
(213) 628-6291

We look forward to your becoming NAMACB board certificated. 

Ayurveda for Building Immunity is in 10 Days! Register Today!

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with Suhas Kshirsagar BAMS MD, (Ayurveda), AD, at 9:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m. PT

The concept of immunity is fundamental to Ayurveda’s approach to health maintenance and disease prevention. Ayurveda has described some simple yet powerful tools for optimizing adaptive immunity that can be applied throughout all the stages of life from conception to old age. Vyadhi-Kshamatva is an Ayurvedic term for natural and acquired immunity. It describes the connection between the immune system, the nervous system, and digestive health. It helps us understand why inflammation, gut dysbiosis, and emotional issues can trigger underactive or overactive immune reponses. We will discuss various tools, including diet, lifestyle, and key herbs and herbal formulations, that Ayurveda uses to regulate immunity and optimize health.


Suhas Kshirsagar, BAMS MD, (Ayurveda)AD, is a world-renowned Ayurvedic physician and educator from India, the director of the Ayurvedic Healing and Integrative Wellness Clinic in Northern California, and the author of The Hot Belly Diet. He holds a BA in Ayurvedic medicine and completed a three-year residency as a BAMS MD (doctorate in Ayurvedic internal medicine) and earned a gold medal from the prestigious Pune University. He is an advisor and consultant at the Chopra Center and a faculty member at several Ayurvedic institutions.


with John Douillard DC, CAP, at 10:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m. PT

Gut health is key to a strong immune system. Ayurvedic medicine explains many factors that can weaken our digestive system and different ways that we can learn to build and strengthen it. Healthy digestion reflects a healthy mind and body and helps build greater resilience and strong immunity. Come and learn about your gut and what you can do to strengthen it. 


John Douillard, DC, CAP, has authored seven Ayurvedic health books including the bestsellers Eat Wheat and The 3-Season Diet. He is a frequent guest on the Dr. Oz Show, former NBA nutritionist, and creator of—where ancient Ayurvedic wisdom meets modern science with 9.8M+ YouTube views and 135K+ newsletter subscribers.


with Divya Alter at Noon–1:00 p.m. PT

According to Ayurveda, a balanced diet is a major pillar of our life. The timing, quantity, and quality of our food determines our capacity for building immunity and resilience for our body and mind. Come and join Divya in her kitchen, where she will share tips on immune-boosting ingredients and pathogen-fighting spices, as well as a few special Ayurvedic recipes.

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Divya Alter is a certified nutritional consultant, educator, and chef in the Shaka Vansiya Ayurveda tradition. She is the co-founder of Bhagavat Life, the only Ayurvedic culinary school in Manhattan and North America’s first Ayurvedic chef certification program. She and her husband Prentiss also own Divya’s Kitchen, an Ayurvedic restaurant in Manhattan. Divya is the author of What to Eat for How You Feel: The New Ayurvedic Kitchen (Rizzoli, 2017). The book is now in its seventh printing, and is also available in a new German edition


with Shiva Rea, MA, at 1:30 p.m.–2:30 p.m. PT

Yoga is considered the “sister science” of Ayurveda and brings us the tools to strengthen our bodies and our minds through the practices of asana, pranayama, and meditation. Many of these techniques have been shown to help strengthen the immune system when practiced regularly. Come and explore some of the simple practices that you can incorporate into your daily rituals. 


Shiva Rea, MA, is a global prana vinyasa teacher, activist, and innovator in the evolution of vinyasa yoga. Shiva integrates the roots of vinyasa, yoga, Ayurveda, and tantra in creative, life-transforming online courses, workshops, retreats, and trainings. 


with Partap Chauhan, BAMS, at 3:00 p.m.–4:00 PT

Daily routines that extend from the very start of your morning to bedtime are as important as the food we put in our bodies for strengthening and stabilizing our immune system so that we are poised to handle any stressors that come our way. Come and learn about simple daily rituals that you can easily adopt to nurture good health. 

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Partap Chauhan, BAMS, is an Ayurvedic physician, author, public speaker, TV personality, and pioneer of Ayurvedic Telemedicine. He is founding director of Jiva Ayurveda, a company that runs a network of 80 clinics throughout India and the world’s largest Ayurvedic Telemedicine Center, consulting with 8,000 patients daily. He travels all over the world to teach Ayurveda. 

November’s President’s Corner: Welcome Dinesh Gyawali

With Dinesh Gyawali

Introduction to NAMA’s new Board of Director member and an overview of NAMA’s November 13th Special Public Event – Ayurveda for Building Immunity.


  • Date: Friday, November 6th

  • Time: 10:00-10:30 am Pacific

Connect Via Internet:

Connect Via Phone:

  • iPhone one-tap :  US: +19292056099,,905746885#,,1#,836754#  or +13017158592,,905746885#,,1#,836754#

  • Telephone:  US: +1 929 205 6099  or +1 301 715 8592  or +1 312 626 6799  or +1 669 900 6833  or +1 253 215 8782  or +1 346 248 7799 Webinar ID: 905 746 885 Password: 83675 International numbers available: link

Ayurveda: Evidence Based Integrative Medicine

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Each year our board, committee, staff, and volunteers work diligently to bring an annual event that delivers an abundance of valuable tools and education to NAMA members and the community at large

This conference will provide health practitioners with an understanding of the role of Ayurvedic medicine in fostering wellness and managing disease, based on historical evidence from classical Ayurvedic texts as well as modern research.

Presentations will draw from the four methodologies that Ayurveda recognizes as valid approaches to gathering reliable evidence: direct experience, research, experimentation, and traditional textual evidence. As a comprehensive medical system that combines detailed preventative strategies, lifestyle and diet guidance, and disease management protocols, Ayurveda promises to not only enhance and complement both mainstream medical care and other alternative health care modalities but also answer today’s growing demand for individualized treatment. 

The conference will showcase reliable evidence of the effective application of Ayurveda within the mainstream health care system.  

40 Presenters in 4 Days

2021 Ayurvedic Conference
2021 Ayurvedic Conference
2021 Ayurvedic Conference
2021 Ayurvedic Conference
2021 Ayurvedic Conference

Registration Open for our 17th Annual Conference!

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Join Us For Our 17th Annual Conference! April 30th - May 2ND, 2021

Each year our board, committee, staff, and volunteers work diligently to bring an annual event that delivers an abundance of valuable tools and education to NAMA members and the community at large. Last year’s event was a significant achievement, with the highest number of attendees to date. Because of COVID-19 we are hosting our event online. Join us for this special online event brimming with educational presentations from leading Ayurvedic professionals. 

This conference will provide health practitioners with an understanding of the role of Ayurvedic medicine in fostering wellness and managing disease, based on evidence from classical Ayurvedic texts as well as modern scientific research. 

Post Conference Event - May 3rd, 2021

The year we are offering an additional post conference event, that will include a discussions of infectious diseases and immunological perspectives in pandemics and epidemics using COVID-19 as a primary model. Contemporary scientific and Ayurvedic understanding are essential for honing the clinical skills required for the management of these diseases. This program will also address contemporary clinical integrative and Ayurvedic medical approaches to the management of COVID-19. 

Current NAMA Members receive 25% discount; Current Student Members receive 40% discount. We will be emailing your personal discount code next week! Not a Member? Sign up and Receive a Conference Discount!

Professional Members will be awarded 1 PACE credit 1-hour session and 2 credits for the 1.5-hour sessions they attend for both events.

Featured Presenters

2021 NAMA Featured Presenters

The Evolution of Integrative Medical Education with Victoria Maizes

The Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona is internationally recognized for its leadership in developing medical education. At no point in history has the need to train health professionals to address lifestyle in order to promote health and prevent disease ever been greater. In her keynote presentation, Dr. Victoria Maizes will discuss the evolution of integrative medicine and its potential to improve the health of the nation.

Dr. Victoria Maizes is Executive Director of the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine and a Professor of Medicine, Family Medicine, and Public Health at the University of Arizona.  Internationally recognized as a leader in integrative medicine, Dr. Maizes is committed to helping individuals live healthier lives and pioneering change efforts that address shortcomings of the U.S. healthcare system.

Transdisciplinary Research Approach to Evidence-Based Ayurveda with Bhushan Patwardhan

Every medical system requires a judicious balance of experiential and scientific evidence to support its practice. Reliable evidence requires systematic documentation and rigorous scientific research involving multiple disciplines. Current therapeutic strategies are moving toward integrative approaches that bring together the best of traditional and modern medicine. Ayurveda advocates a personalized approach involving constitutional assessment to guide primary prevention, diagnosis, and therapeutics. This lecture will present research findings from our Ayurvedic experts on topics including ayugenomics, reverse pharmacology, Ayurvedic biology, immunoadjuvants, and regenerative rasayana.

Bhushan Patwardhan, PhD, FNASc, FNAMS, is Vice Chairman, University Grants Commission; Chairman, Indian Council of Social Science Research; Chairman, Interdisciplinary AYUSH R&D Task Force, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt of India.

Biodiversity Is Health; Biodiversity Is Sustainability with Vandana Shiva

Health flows across a continuum from the planet to people, from the soil to plants, to our gut microbiome. Health and sustainability are interconnected and rooted in a healthy planet. Pandemics and diseases are emerging because biodiversity is being destroyed at an unprecedented rate, threatening to lead to a sixth mass extinction. Shiva will share her research and experiences from the last four decades of conserving biodiversity. We can heal the planet and ourselves through regenerating and rejuvenating biodiversity.

Dr. Vandana Shiva is trained as a physicist and later focused on her work as a researcher and activist. Dr. Shiva founded the Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Ecology in Dehra Dun, an organization dedicated to high-quality independent research that addresses the most significant ecological and social issues of our time. Dr. Shiva founded Navdanya, a national movement that aims to protect the diversity and integrity of living resources, especially native seed, and to promote organic farming and fair trade. In 2004 she started Bija Vidyapeeth, an international college for sustainable living in Doon Valley in collaboration with Schumacher College, U.K. World renowned for her social and environmental activism, Dr. Shiva has won over 15 awards around the globe including the Alternative Nobel Prize (Right Livelihood Award, 1993).

Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia Still Inspiring Medical Scientists: Traditional Medicines and Mitochondrial Disorders with Kevin Spelman

More and more we are seeing the beauty of traditional medicines as they prove useful in modern therapeutics. In this lecture we will focus on the idea of mitochondria from an Ayurvedic perspective and look at the pharmacopoeia for evidence-based therapeutics for mitochondrial disorders. Such medicines as Shilajit, Trichopus, Gynostemma, Cannabis, and more will be covered.

Kevin Spelman, PhD, MCPP, is a researhcer, clinician, and industry consultant who has advised the White House, the U.S. Department of Defense, and foreign governments on issues and policies concerning natural products. Spelman has focused on molecular techniques to elucidate the pharmacology of phytochemicals and their impact on human physiology and currently has 28 peer-reviewed publications on medicinal plants.

NAMA needs your help! Can you do this for Ayurveda? 

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NAMA has put together a panel of world-renowned speakers to share Ayurveda with the public during the pandemic, and we need you to let everyone know! Will you help? Below is information that makes doing so easy.  

We are asking you to send a personal message to your contacts to let them know about this event. NAMA has heard your requests for events that offer information on Ayurveda to the public and teach them about the beauty and healing power of Ayurveda. This Summit will do that! Let your contacts know how Ayurveda has helped you change your life and how this Summit may open the door for them to do the same. 

One of the highlights of the November 13 daylong event is the unprecedented opportunity to have a conversation with these incredible speakers in real time. The topics offered will surely dive deep into what you can do to boost immunity, cultivate longevity, and stay in good health mentally and physically. From what to eat and when and why to avoid certain foods to how to move your body and perform daily Ayurvedic  rituals—it’s all covered here! 

Speakers and Topics: 

How Ayurveda Views Immunity with Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar

Gut Health and Immunity with Dr. John Douillard

Food for Immune Support with chef and restaurant owner Divya Alter

Yoga for Building Immunity with world-famous yoga teacher Shiva Rea 

Immunity Boosting Daily Rituals with Partap Chauhan 

HIGHLIGHT! During the November 13 presentations each speaker will be available during their session to answer questions from the viewers to make this a truly personalized and immersive experience. 

The content presented is for everyone. Let your friends, clients, students, and customers know! 


Join the National Ayurvedic Medical Association’s online event to hear from the leading voices in Ayurveda and yoga about what you can do now to strengthen your health yourself—an especially important topic during the pandemic and the upcoming winter season. In Ayurveda, there is a seasonal response to every issue—learn strategies for adapting the immune response to the changing seasons and more from these incredible teachers.


WhatAyurveda and Immunity 2020 Virtual Summit

When: Friday, November 13, 2020,  8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. PT; 11:30 a.m. – 7 p.m. ET.

Cost: $99. (Recordings of the lectures will be accessible for 14 days from when they first air.)

How to Register: Visit Ayurveda for Building Immunity Summit for details and to register. 

This event is open to EVERYONE and is an invaluable source of information if you are interested in how you can optimize your health naturally. 




Thank you so much for your help. Please do not hesitate to ask us for additional information you may need to promote this event. 

NAMA Conference Committee